Page 21 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 21

Drilling Oil Rig Cendor

         Mopu, Marine

         Insurance – Inherent

         Vice - A Boon or Loss

                                                                                        Dr. Soumi Mukherjee
         - Historical Maritime Fraud                                                                 M.A., PH.D

           Causation is a very important part in marine insurance law. The general principle in English Law
           is that the insurer will only be liable for any loss, which is proximately caused by a peril insured
           against.  (Marine  Insurance  Act,  1906,  section  55).  At  the  beginning  of  last  century,  the
           determination of the proximate cause in common law was considered to be the nearest in time.
           ‘Inherent vice’ excluded the ordinary wear and tear that could be expected to occur as a result of
           the ordinary action of wind and waves.

         I   t is not uncommon for hull and cargo underwriters to  clause 4.4 which excludes “loss, damage or expense caused

             reject claims by relying on excluded perils in their
                                                              by inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured”
                                                              Clause 4.4 excluded “loss, damage or expense caused by
             standard forms.
                                                              inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured” from
          Causation is a very important part in marine insurance law.  the cover provided by the policy.
          The general principle in English Law is that the insurer will
          only be liable for any loss, which is proximately caused by a  The subject matter of the insurance was the DRILLING oil
          peril insured against. (Marine Insurance Act, 1906, section  rig “Cendor MOPU.” This oil rig  had been  laid  up in
          55). At the beginning of last century, the determination of  Galveston, Texas. In May 2005 it was purchased by the
          the proximate cause in common law was considered to be  respondents (the assured under the policy) for conversion
          the nearest in time. ‘Inherent vice’ excluded the ordinary  into a mobile offshore production (MOPU) unit for use in the
          wear and tear that could be expected to occur as a result  Cendor Field off the coast of East Malaysia. The insurance
          of the ordinary action of wind and waves.           covered the loading, carriage and discharge of the oil rig
                                                              on the towed barge “Boabarge 8” from Galveston in the
          This case is concerned with a marine insurance policy on  United States to Lumut in Malaysia. The total sum covered
          cargo dated 5 July 2005, which incorporated the Institute  was Malaysian Ringgits 38m (US$10m) with a deductible of
          Cargo Clauses (A) of 1 January 1982. In 2005, Global Process  US$1m. The premium was US$378,000.
          Systems (the assured) purchased the oil rig, Cendor Mopu,
          and arranged for her to be transported from Texas to  The oil rig, originally called the “Odin Liberty”, was built in
          Malaysia on a barge with her three massive tubular legs in  Singapore in 1978. It is what is called a “self-elevating mat
          place above the platform so that they extended some 300  supported jack-up rig,” consisting of a watertight working
          feet into the air. Global placed insurance with Syarikat  platform called the jack house, which can be moved (jacked)
          Takaful Malaysia Berhad (‘the Insurer’), on terms which  up and down three legs extending to the seabed, according
          incorporated the Institute Cargo Clauses, and, in particular,  to the sea depth at the drilling location. There is a mat at

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