Page 18 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 18

also  gives  the  life  insurers  the
         opportunity to moderate the impact of  Max Life plans to hire 30000 agents, open up to 100
         higher payouts to the surrendering   offices in FY25
         policyholders   or    the   other    Max Life Insurance plans to hire 30,000 agents and open 50 to 100 new
         stakeholders."                       offices in the financial year 2024-25 (FY25) to drive premium growth, said

         The  Insurance  Regulatory  and      Prashant Tripathy, managing director and chief executive officer of the
         Development Authority of India (IRDAI)  company.
         in its 'Master Circular on Life Insurance  The private insurer's total agent count will rise to 1,30,000 in FY25. It added
         Products' issued prescribed enhanced  47,957 agents in FY24, 54 per cent more than the year before.
         Special Surrender Value (SSV).
                                              "Last year we opened close to 100 offices in new areas, new cities where
         As per the circular, life insurers will  we were never present. So, we are trying to expand to those cities where
         have to ensure that the SSV is at least  we are not present. "Currently, we have close to about 466 office units. We
         equal to the expected present value of  want to increase by adding 50-100 offices," said Tripathy in a video interview.
         the  paid-up  sum  assured, paid-up
                                              Proprietary distribution channels - directly created, owned, and maintained
         future benefits, and accrued or vested  by the company - accounted for 40 per cent of Max Life's new business
         benefits, duly allowing for survival
                                              (annualised premium equivalent, or APE) in FY24. The channel's business
         benefits already paid.
                                              grew by 28 per cent in FY24 to Rs 2,957 crore from Rs 2,307 crore in FY23.
         Surrender value will be applicable
         after the first year if the first-year  In FY24, VNB margin of the largest  Wage revision impact caps
         annual premium has been paid. The  private sector life insurer - SBI Life -
         guidelines provide for discounting of  slipped to 28.10 per cent compared to  LIC  Q4  net  profit  at  Rs.
         benefits  at  10-year  G-sec  with  a  30.10 per cent in the year-ago period. 13,762 crore
         cushion of 50 basis points (bps) as
                                            During  the  post  earnings  analyst  LIC reported a marginal 2.5 per cent
         compared  to  the  draft,  which                                      increase in its standalone profit after
         proposed discounting at 10-year G-sec  meeting, the life insurer attributed the  tax at Rs 13,762 crore in the quarter
         rates.                             fall in margin to higher share of Ulip
                                            business as compared to previous year.  ended  March  2024  as  against  Rs
         Listed private life insurers'      The share of Ulip business for the  13,427 crore in the year-ago period.
                                            company increased to 60 per cent from  The board of LIC recommended a final
         FY24 margins fell on rise in       55 per cent in FY23.               dividend of Rs 6 per share for FY24.

         Ulips share                        According to analysts at Motilal Oswal,  Earlier, during the year an interim
                                                                               dividend of Rs 4 was declared. The flat
         All the four listed private life insurance  VNB margins  for all life  insurance  profit in the quarter due to the impact
         companies recorded a drop in value of  players declined from the year-ago  of wage revision.
         new business (VNB) margin in the   period due to adverse product mix and
         financial  year  2023-24  (FY24)  as  pressure on non-par margins.    For the year ended March 31, 2024,
         compared to FY23. This is because of  HDFC Life also witnessed a drop in VNB  profit after tax was Rs 40,676 crore as
         a higher share of unit-linked insurance  margin to 26.3 per cent as the share  compared to Rs 36,397 crore for FY23.
         plans (Ulips) in the product mix.  of Ulip in its overall business touched  LIC said it changed its accounting policy
         VNB is a measure of the economic   35 per cent. In addition, for the life  in September 2022 regarding transfer
                                                                               of amount pertaining to the accretion
         value of profits expected to emerge  insurer, the tax imposed on policies  on the available solvency margin from
         from a new business. VNB margin is the  with a premium of over Rs 5 lakh has  non-participating policyholders account
         profit margin of the companies.    also impacted margins.             to shareholders account.

         According to insurance companies, the  The private life insurer witnessed a  Accordingly,  it  transferred  a  total
         demand for Ulip products has surged  surge in sale of high value (aggregate  amount of Rs 29,518.75 crore (net of
         among  customers  due  to  strong  premium is over Rs 5 lakh) in March  tax) in FY24 compared to Rs 27,240.75
         performance of the equity market. The  2022 after the government imposed  crore in the FY23, which included an
         product is considered to have a lower  tax on the segment during the Union  amount of Rs 4,542.31 crore pertaining
         profit margin.                     Budget of 2022-23.                 to the quarter ended March 31, 2022.

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