Page 15 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 15

April creates opportunities to launch  cannot repudiate a claim without the  pet Health Insurance Policy, launched
          long-term products. "We are exploring  approval of a Claims Review Commit-  in 2008 and catering to individuals
          the possibility of creating 10-year prod-  tee. For settlement of claims, insurers  above 60 years old. This product has
          ucts. We have observed the success of  must insurers and TPAs (third party  not seen a price revision since its incep-
          long-term health savings products in  administrators) must collect docu-  tion, according to Anand Roy, Manag-
          South Africa. Currently, we can offer  ments from hospitals and not call for  ing Director and CEO of Star Health
          discounts. We are considering provid-  them from the insured. Policyholders  Insurance. Also, the Young Star Health
          ing additional value-added services re-  with multiple health insurance policies  Policy, aimed at individuals up to 40
          lated to health and health-related ser-  can select the policy under which they  years old, will undergo a price in-
          vices that we can cross-sell to our cus-  claim the admissible amount. The pri-  crease.
          tomers," said Roy.                mary insurer will coordinate the settle-  In the fiscal year 2023-24, Star Health
                                            ment of the balance amount from    posted an 18 per cent increase in gross
          IRDAI sets 3-hour limit to        other insurers.                    premiums, reaching Rs 15,250 crore.
          settle health claims              The new rules allow insurers to reward  The combined ratio, which measures

          IRDAI has brought in several reforms  policyholders with no claims during the  the company's underwriting profitabil-
                                            policy period by offering either an in-  ity, stood at 96.7 per cent . The com-
          in health covers aimed at improving
          service standards for policyholders. The  creased sum insured or discounted pre-  pany achieved an underwriting profit
          new norms will require insurers to ap-  mium amounts.                of Rs 90 crore.
          prove cashless claims within an hour                                 Looking ahead, Star Health is target-
          and provide final authorisation for dis-  Star Health & Allied Insur-  ing to grow its gross written premium
          charge from a hospital within three ance plans 15% price hike        (GWP) by 18-20 per cent to Rs 18,000
          hours.                                                               crore - Rs 18,500 crore for the current
                                            for two products
          Insurers will also need to provide a  Star  Health  &  Allied  Insurance,  a  fiscal year. By focusing on reducing
          one-month grace period for annual  standalone health insurer based in  operating expenses and improving the
          renewal of health policies and protect  Chennai, is considering a price increase  claims ratio, the insurer expects to
          benefits under policies renewed within  of up to 15 per cent this year for two  improve its combined ratio by 100 ba-
          that period.                                                         sis points to 95.5 per cent. The claims
                                            of its two products due to escalating  ratio, which was at 66.5 per cent , is
          Under the new norms, insurers have to  medical inflation and rising healthcare  projected to decrease by  50  basis
          ensure that hospitals release mortal  costs.                         points.
          remains immediately in the event of a  Among the products slated for a price
          death during treatment. Companies  revision is the Senior Citizens Red Car-  Star Health has set target to increase
                                                                               its GWP to Rs 30,000 crore over the
                                                                               next four years. The company also plans
             LIC mulls entering health insurance, explores ac-                 to increase the share of group health
                             quisition opportunities                           insurance within its portfolio. Currently,
                                                                               the retail-to-group mix stands at 92:8,
           LIC is considering entering the health insurance segment and is exploring  with a target to shift this to 85:15 in the
           acquisition opportunities. The move comes amid a proposal to allow com-  coming four years.
           posite insurance companies in the sector.
           "There is an expectation that composite licences may be permitted by the          Join
           new govt, and we have done some internal groundwork.
           While we lack expertise in general insurance, we are interested in health  Online Certificate
           insurance and are also considering opportunities for inorganic growth," said
           LIC chairman Siddhartha Mohanty.                                             Course on
           In Feb 2024, a parliamentary panel had suggested introducing composite
           insurance licenses to reduce costs and compliance burden for insurers. Cur-  Motor Insurance
           rently, life companies can only offer long-term benefit covers under health
           insurance. For life companies to provide hospitalisation and indemnity cover,  For details please visit
           an amendment to the Insurance Act would be required.       

         14      July 2024    The Insurance Times
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