Page 14 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 14


                                                                               body responsible for implementing the
              Discharge delays may slow claims move from                       Ayushman Bharat PM Jan Aarogya

                                       IRDAI                                   Yojana, and the IRDAI. "IRDAI will con-
                                                                               tinue to regulate the insurance indus-
           The insurance regulator's recent rule changes to make life easier for policy-
                                                                               try. We are not going to get into that.
           holders will likely require a sectorial overhaul before patients are able to
           get discharged from hospitals faster.                               The health ministry's motive behind
                                                                               developing NHCX is only to act as a
           While insurance industry experts pin the blame on hospitals for slow pro-  facilitator for faster and more trans-
           cessing of claims, a lot of the delays in clearing claims from patients admit-  parent processing of health insurance
           ted in hospitals also stem from procedural hiccups.                 claims," said a senior official.
           A new digital information sharing platform still in the discussion stage and
           an increased role for technology platforms might, however, help the regu-  In Madurai, health cover
           lator achieve its ambition of ensuring that patients cleared for discharge
           aren't held back because of protracted processing.                  to  cost  40%  less  than
         Health  cover  claims  to          ment provide their insurance policy  Star Health, which pioneered health
                                            details or a card issued by the third-
         soon  be  processed  via                                              insurance in the country, is using data
                                            party administrator (TPA) or insurance  it has collected over 18 years to offer
         NHCX platform                      company. The hospital then accesses  differentiated pricing based on custom-
         Soon, all health insurance claims will  the claim processing portal of the com-  ers' location. It is also exploring new
         be processed by hospitals and insur-  pany and uploads the required docu-  products that are either location-spe-
         ance companies through a single win-  ments for pre-authorisation or claim  cific or network-specific.
         dow - the National Health Claims Ex-  approval.  On  receipt  of  the  pre-
         change  (NHCX).  Health  ministry  authorisation/claim form, the insur-  Star Health MD & CEO Anand Roy,
         sources told the NHCX, developed by  ance company/TPA authenticates and  that a customer in Madurai will pay 30-
         the National Health Authority (NHA),  digitises the form using its internal  40% less for a product than someone
         is ready and under trial at present.  claims processing portal. The claim is  in Mumbai.
         "NHCX will have a standardised format  then  adjudicated  by  the  relevant  "Our experience over the last 18 years
         to be followed by insurance companies  team. These data exchanges often in-  is that customers in different cities have
         to process claims," said a source.  volve PDF/manual paperwork which  different expectations. We know ex-
         Currently, most insurance companies  adds to the processing time and in-  actly what is the right price for some-
         offering health coverage have their  creases the risk of errors.      body living in a tier III city versus some-
         own platforms and processes to ap-  Officials in the health ministry said  one in a metro," said Roy.
         prove claims.                      NHCX is the result of a collaborative  According to him, regulations intro-
         Patients who visit a hospital for treat-  effort between the NHA, the apex  duced by the insurance regulator in

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