Page 11 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 11

Commenting on the latest IRDAI move,  asked the existing insurers to provide  documents. Required documents are
         Jaspreet Bedi, Partner, Nangia & Co  the required details to the acquiring  to be called at the time of underwrit-
         LLP, said: "The auditor refresh policy is  insurance company within 72 hours.  ing the proposal. The customer may be
         to promote independence, impartiality,  According to industry officials, it is  asked to submit only those documents
         and integrity in the audit process." It                               necessary and related to claim settle-
                                            easier to acquire claims data for retail
         enhances transparency and account-  health; however, it is not easy to get  ment (if cashless is not available)," the
         ability by introducing new auditors ev-                               circular said.
                                            the same for group health policies.
         ery four years, preventing compla-                                    Further, retail customers can cancel
         cency, and maintaining rigorous finan-  "Claims data will be easily available for  the policy anytime by informing the
         cial reporting standards, he said.  retail health. However, that is not the  insurer. The insurer can cancel the
                                            case with group health policies. Hence,  policy only on grounds of established
         Insurers  to  seek  clarity        giving all the information in the speci-  fraud. The insurer should refund a pro-
                                            fied number of days is likely to be diffi-
         from IRDAI                         cult. The insurance companies are  portionate premium for the unexpired
                                                                               policy period on cancellation, the cir-
         The general and health insurance com-  likely to speak with the regulator on
         panies are likely to seek clarifications  operationalising certain aspects of the  cular said.
         from the insurance regulator on the  circular," said an insurance industry  IRDAI has also provided strict timelines
         operationalisation of certain aspects in  executive.                  for the settlement of claims, including
         the new master circular on health in-                                 for the appointment of surveyors and
         surance products.                                                     submission of their reports. It will be
                                            Insurers can't reject claims
         IRDAI repealed 55 circulars and issued  on lack of documents          the duty of the insurer to obtain timely
         a new master circular on May  29,                                     survey reports, IRDAI said. "Additional
         2024. It was aimed at reinforcing the  General insurance companies cannot  options of 'pay as you drive'/ 'pay as you
         empowerment of policyholders and   reject claims for want of documents,  go' to be given as a first choice to the
         bolstering inclusive health insurance.  the IRDAI said.               customer in motor insurance," the cir-
         The circular included several guide-  The master circular is part of reforms  cular said and added there should be
         lines,  including  mandating  strict  in the general insurance business, es-  no burden on the customer for dis-
         timelines  on  final  discharge    pecially post-de-notification of all the  posal of salvage. It further said that
         authorisation and authorisation of  tariffs and policy wordings, ushering in  homeowners' "fire" policy should have
         cashless claims within one hour of re-  a new era of measures for simplified  the option to choose add-on covers
         ceiving the discharge note.        and customer-centric insurance solu-  such as flood, cyclone, earthquake,
                                            tions.                             landslide, rockslide, terrorism or to opt-
         In the case of porting policies from one                              out from comprehensive fire and allied
         insurer to another, the regulator has  "No claim shall be rejected for want of  peril policy.

               IRDAI's new commission norms to encourage                       Comparing non-life poli-
                             competitive premiums                              cies, claim process to get
           The new norms on commission payments to insurance agents and other  easier
           intermediaries issued by the IRDAI are expected to result in more competi-  IRDAI has brought in several reforms
           tive premiums, said industry experts.
                                                                               in non-life covers aimed at improving
           "The recent circular is a significant step towards a new era of transparency  transparency for policyholders.
           and efficiency, benefiting both insurers and policyholders, a catalyst for
                                                                               IRDAI has asked non-life companies to
           positive change. The circular promotes fair commission structures, leading  have a 'base product' in every line of
           to potentially lower premiums," Sharad Mathur, Managing Director & Chief  business. The base product will define
           Executive Officer, Universal Sompo General Insurance Company said.
                                                                               the minimum coverage addressing a
           The norms mandate board-approved policies to ensure intermediaries act  target segment of prospects/insurance
           in their best interests. "Focus on ethical conduct and strong governance  buyers, enabling  comparison with
           minimises conflicts and builds trust. The circular outlines regular reviews and  other policies available in the market.
           oversight are crucial, marking a turning point," Mathur added.
                                                                               One of the key changes allows policy-
                                                                           The Insurance Times  July 2024     11
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