Page 8 - Insurance Times July 2024
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delays remain a concern, though there  costs, player-related expenses, and  cent increase in farmer enrolment
          could be a buffer in terms of a reserve  event cancellations.        from 2022-23, with 42 per cent of non-
          day for rescheduling. "Insurance claims  "This is the first time in five years that  loanee farmers and 41 per cent of en-
          have begun to emerge due to three  the insurance industry is seeing claims  rolled farmers (56.80 crore) indemni-
          completely washed-out matches and  in IPL due to cancellations, with the last  fied from 2016-17 to 2023-24.
          partial washouts," a person said. "Also,  instance  occurring  in  2019,"  said  Despite the phenomenal growth, the
          there are claims for player injuries."
                                            Pranav Shah, director - speciality lines,  penetration and density of PMFBY and
          The sharp rise in claims is expected to  Alliance Insurance Brokers. "Several  restructured weather-based crop in-
          lead to higher insurance premiums for  stakeholders, including broadcasters,  surance (RWBCIS) programmes are
          next year's edition of IPL. "These claims  franchise owners, and sponsors, are  significantly low.
          will have an impact on the premium of  filing their claims, which could be over  Their penetration in terms of gross
          policies next year," the person said.  Rs 120 crore."                premium as a percentage of GDP is

          Sponsors, broadcasters, team spon-                                   0.62 per cent, and insurance density or
          sors, and franchise owners have filed  PMFBY is the third largest    per capita farmer premium is only Rs.
          claims to recover some of their rev-                                 2,148. Further, the few insurers run-
          enue  losses  from  the  washed-out  crop insurance programme        ning crop insurance programmes indi-
          matches.                          globally                           cate attendant and social equity prob-
          IPL's market value per match typically  The Press Information Bureau (PIB)  lems for insured farmers.
          ranges between Rs 100 crore and Rs  recently disclosed that Pradhan Mantri
                                                                               How can the quality and efficacy of
          125 crore. The tournament's insurance  Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) is the third
                                                                               insurance service delivery, institutional
          policy covers a wide range of expenses  largest crop insurance programme glo-  capacity of programme implementa-
          including match revenue, broadcasting  bally. The scheme witnessed a 27 per
                                                                               tion, inclusion, and regulatory over-
                                                                               sight be improved?
               Non-life insurers post 15.5% increase in May                    First, a performance analysis of PMFBY
                                     premium                                   and RWBCIS from 2016-17 to 2023-24
                                                                               shows that while there was an uptick
           Non-life insurers posted 15.47 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth in gross
           direct premium underwritten to Rs 20,822.29 crore in May 2024, latest  in farmer enrolment, with a 10 per
           data released by the General Insurance Council showed. The premium of  cent CAGR, the area and sum insured
           general insurers grew by 14.05 per cent Y-o-Y to Rs 18,170.64 crore.  exhibited a negative CAGR of 8.4 per
                                                                               cent and 5.1 per cent, respectively.
           Public sector general insurers clocked 7.28 per growth in premium to Rs
                                                                               The claims payout recorded a 5 per
           6,696.24 crore, whereas private counterparts witnessed 18.4 per cent im-
                                                                               cent CAGR, indicating an uptrend from
           provement to Rs 11,474.4 crore. Among the companies, industry leader New  2022-23.
           India Assurance Company saw a marginal drop of 0.67 per cent in premium
           to Rs 2,404.34 crore.                                               Farmers' share in gross premium was
                                                                               15 per cent, exhibiting a negative 4.3
           The premium of leading private sector players like ICICI Lombard General
           Insurance grew by 21.64 per cent to Rs 2,104.51 crore. And, Bajaj Allianz  per cent CAGR. Insurers settled more
           General Insurance's premium increased by 9.26 per cent to Rs 1,093.23  than 94 per cent of total claims with a
           crore during the time period. Among other key insurers, the premium of  70 per cent claim-to-premium ratio.
           HDFC Ergo General Insurance dropped by 4.76 per cent to Rs 969.98 crore  Second, while PMFBY has been skewed
                                                                               towards loanee farmers (over 50 per
           United India Insurance Company's premium rose by 15.75 per cent to Rs
           1,696.05 crore and Oriental Insurance's premium rose to Rs 1,601.09 crore,  cent), RWBCIS is limited to resource-
                                                                               endowed male farmers, and their en-
           up 15.75 per cent from the year-ago period.
                                                                               rolment and premium payments are
           In terms of market share, public sector general insurers took 33.82 per cent  insignificant compared to PMFBY.
           of the overall insurance industry in May 2024 against 36.45 per cent in May
           2023. The private insurers, on the other hand, witnessed an increase to  Third, higher transaction costs of ser-
           55.67 per cent in the reported month. This compares to 53.92 per cent in  vice delivery for small farmers, lack of
           the year-ago period.                                                coordination between insurers, banks

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