Page 12 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 12

holders to cancel their policies without  writing stage, ensuring a smoother  insurer should refund proportion pre-
          providing a reason as well as receive a  claims process.             mium for unexpired policy period, if the
          refund  for  the  remaining  period.                                 term of the policy is up to one year and
          Stricter timelines for claim settlements IRDAI allows policyholders  there is no claim made during the policy
          have also been implemented. More-  to cancel policies, get re-       period, it said. The refund premium for
          over,  non-compliance  with  an                                      the unexpired policy period should be
          ombudsman's order can result in a fund                               made in respect of policy with the term
          penalty of Rs 5,000 per day for the in-  Giving more flexibility and freedom to  more than one year and the risk cover-
          surer.                            policyholders, the IRDAI has said retail  age for such policy years has not com-
          "According to IRDAI's guidelines, insur-  policyholders can cancel an insurance  menced, it said in a master circular.
          ance companies are mandated to of-  policy at any time during the term by
          fer a 'base product' in every insurance  informing the insurer and get the re- IRDAI asks insurance firms
          category.  This  move  aims  to   fund for the remaining policy period.  to  open  more  physical
          standardise insurance options and ex-  "In case the policyholder cancels the
          pand customer selections through add-  policy, he/ she is not required to give  branches
          ons  over  the  base  product."  said  reasons for cancellation. The insurer  The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
          Rakesh Jain, CEO, Reliance General  can  cancel  the  policy  only  on  the  opment Authority of India (IRDAI) has
          Insurance.                        grounds of established fraud, by giving  asked insurers to open more bricks-
          Under the new norms, insurers are  minimum notice of 7 days to the retail  and-mortar branches alongside step-
          required to give customers the option  policyholder," IRDAI said while an-  ping up digital o erings.
          to choose insurance policies for dura-  nouncing a host of reforms in the sec-  “Physical presence through brick-and-
                                            tor. Every insurer should have a retail  mortar offices leads a long way in gain-
          tions less than 1 year, annually, or ex-
          tending beyond 1 year. There is also an  product which is identified and desig-  ing customer confidence particularly in
                                            nated as base product defining the
          assurance that insurers would not re-                                remote locations of the country. Adop-
          sort to underwriting at the time of a  necessary minimum coverage in each  tion of technology infrastructure to
          claim. All necessary documents must be  line of business, it said.   reach out to customers enhances ease,
          called for during the proposal under-  If the customer cancels the policy, the  a physical approach which can come in
                                                                               handy to reach the last mile,” the regu-
                                                                               lator said in a master circular on op-
           Corporate governance for insurers: IRDAI lists new                  erations.

                                    guidelines                                 To  instil  confidence  in  customers
                                                                               through visibility, the opening or clos-
           IRDAI has directed insurance companies to take prior approval for the ap-
                                                                               ing of business units must be done ju-
           pointment of board chairperson.
                                                                               diciously, safeguarding the interests of
           The regulator said the present board chairperson can continue up to March  policyholders, the regulator said.
           31, 2026 or till they complete their current tenure. To promote checks and  Places of business should be opened
           balances, it is good practice for the chair of the board to be a non-execu-  within a year from the date of ap-
           tive board member and not serve as chair of any board committee, IRDAI
                                                                               proval, after which it would lapse.
                                                                               To open a representative or liaison of-
           In a master circular on corporate governance for insurers, issued on May  fice outside India, the board of the in-
           22. IRDAI said the board in consultation with the key management persons  surer should approve all the related op-
           need to ensure that the overall direction of the business of the insurance  erational matters.
           company, policies and strategies should shape the level of risk adoption, stan-
           dards of business conduct and ethical behaviour of the insurer at the macro  “The insurer should have appropriate
           level. "While laying down the projections, the Board must address the ex-  arrangements to ensure that the poli-
           pectations of the shareholders and the policyholders," the guidelines said.  cyholders’ liabilities that arise out of
                                                                               foreign operations are adequately ring-
           It said that the chief executive officer should be responsible for the conduct  fenced in order to protect interests of
           of the insurer's affairs in a manner which is not detrimental to the interests  the policyholders residing in India,” it
           of policyholders.
         12      July 2024    The Insurance Times
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