Page 17 - Insurance Times July 2024
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we will have certain products catering  Rs  27,034.2  crore  in  May  2024  Rs  2,414.13  crore.  HDFC  Life
          to particular segments.  So, this year  compared to Rs 23,477.8 crore in the  Insurance's premiums rose by 13.98
          we  will find  different  varieties  of  year-ago  period.  LIC's  premiums  per cent Y-o-Y to Rs 2,270.88 crore.
          products  to  cater  to  various  increased  by  18.7  per  cent  to  Rs  ICICI  Prudential  Life  Insurance
          segments," he said.               16,690 crore in May 2024 from Rs
                                                                               increased by 32.63 per cent Y-o-Y to Rs
                                            14,056.3 crore a year ago on the back  1,317.75  crore,  while  Max  Life
          Kotak bank can sell stake         of strong growth in its group business.  Insurance recorded 23.25 per cent
          in insurance arm                  The  private  insurance  companies  growth at Rs 673.88 crore.
                                            posted a 9.8 per cent Y-o-Y increase in
          Kotak  Mahindra  Bank  said  it  has  first-year premium to Rs 10,343.8 crore  The number of policies issued by the
          received the RBI approval to sell a 70  from Rs 9,421.51 crore.      insurer in the month increased by 12.45
          per cent stake in its general insurance                              per cent Y-o-Y in May 2024 to 1.9
          arm to Zurich Insurance Company.  The group premium segment of the life  million as against 1.7 million policies
                                            insurance industry increased by 13.14  sold in the year-ago period.
          In  November  last  year,  Zurich  per cent Y-o-Y to Rs 16,766.71 crore.
          Insurance Company announced plans  LIC's overall group premium product
          to acquire a 51 per cent stake in Kotak  registered 20.9 per cent growth to Rs  Life insurers' margins may
          Mahindra  General  through  a     12,632.26 crore from Rs 10,448.74  take  a  hit  on  early
          combination of capital infusion and  crore in the year-ago period.
          share  purchase,  followed  by  a                                    surrender directive
          subsequent acquisition of an additional  The individual premium of the industry  Insurance  companies are likely to
          stake of 19 per cent within three years  rose by 18.6 per cent to Rs 10,267.4  offset  the  impact  of  increased
          from the initial acquisition for Rs 5,560  crore in May. Private life insurers,  surrender  value  by  changing
          crore.                            which  have  a  higher  share  in  the  commission structures and revising the
                                            segment, posted 23 per cent growth  Internal  Rate  of  Returns  (IRRs),
          "...the Reserve Bank of India has, vide  to  Rs  6,209.3  crore  in  May  as  according to analysts and experts.
          its   letter   dated   June   4,  compared to Rs 5,051.29 crore in the
          2024...conveyed its approval for the  same month last year.          According to a research note by Emkay
          transaction. All regulatory approvals                                Global     Financial    Services,
          required for the transaction have now  SBI  Life  Insurance,  India's  largest  "Undoubtedly,  the  impact  of  this
          been received...," Kotak Mahindra  private insurer, saw a marginal decline  enhanced surrender value, on ceteris
          Bank said in a regulatory filing.  of  2.48  per  cent  in  new  business  paribus, is going to be material on non-
                                            premiums to Rs 2,354.33 crore from  par savings products. However, this
          Kotak Mahindra General Insurance is
          a 100 per cent subsidiary of Kotak
          Mahindra Bank.                        Life Insurance Company told to offer surrender

          As  per  the  current  regulatory                value on policies from 1st year
          guidelines, a foreign entity can own up  IRDAI has asked insurance companies to offer a surrender value from the
          to 74 per cent in an insurance venture  first year itself, a move that could impact their margins.
          in India.
                                              The regulator issued a master circular, which mandates insurers to pay
          Life insurers' new business         special surrender value (SSVs) after the first policy year, provided one full
                                              year's premium has been received.
          premium grew 15.5% in               For policies with limited premium payment terms of less than five years and
          May                                 single premium policies, SSVs become payable immediately after receipt of

          The  life  insurance  industry's  new  the first full-year premium or single premium.
          business premium (NBP) increased by  Previously, the surrender value for guaranteed return products was zero in
          15.5 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) in  the first year and up to 30-35% in the second and third years. The new
          May 2024, aided by growth across    regulations propose introducing benefit payouts in the first year, which will
          segments, according to Life Insurance  affect the margins of life insurance companies. However, some insurers
          Council's data.                     believe the impact may be minimal, as over 85% of policies tend to remain
          The industry earned premiums worth  active beyond the early years.

         16      July 2024    The Insurance Times
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