Page 21 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
P. 21


             TROPICAL CYCLONE :

             A CHALLENGE TO


             INDUSTRY - GIS

             TECHNOLOGY A


             T       ropical Cyclones/Hurricanes are location  protect their customers with optimum premium based

                     specific. In an article in June 2021 issue of
                                                              on their risk exposure and also share its huge claims
                     Insurance Times, a new web application
                     TROPCYC for Risk Assessment of Tropical  experience in risk reduction, risk control, loss
                                                              prevention and disaster management.
              Cyclone for India specific was introduced. Looking at
              the rapid climate change forecasted by the scientists,  Insurance Industry has to use its claims experience
              accepted generally by International Community (Paris  over the years, absorb the knowledge & advances in
              agreement), General Insurance Industry world over  the field of meteorology, climate change models,
              must be prepared to meet the challenges of higher  advances made in structural engineering to build
              frequency & intensities of cyclones than experienced  structures suitable to face the fury of high Wind
              till now. To meet the challenges, the General Insurance  speeds/Flash floods/Storm Surge hazards of the
              Industry has to first accept it and then find ways to  Tropical Cyclones and the new technologies such as
                                                              Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to deliver their
                                About the author              customers Insurance Products & Services on a real
                                                              time basis.
                          Shreenivas Kulkarni
                          Chartered Insurance Practitioner    The Insurers are  covering the Tropical Cyclone
                          Consultant, Unity Geospatial LLP    catastrophes since the birth of the Insurance in UK.
                  The Underwriter in the last century or earlier covered
                                                              the risk on information given on a slip from the
                          Dr Shrikant Gabale                  Insurance Broker. There  was no knowledge on
                          Director                            potential damages/claims to be paid in the absence
                          Unity Geospatial LLP                location knowledge of the Tropical Cyclone Hazard. We
                          shrikant.g@unitygeospatial .com     are now in 21st century in a global economy

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