Page 24 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
P. 24


             to respond to these challenges caused  by the    emergency, in case of planning the shortest route, or
             unexpected disaster is quite difficult. GIS based  rerouting the fleet as per the cyclonic condition,
             location-based system can be used exponentially to  planning the service area in case of emergency. GIS can
             cope up with such challenges that occurred through  be widely used for rescue operation in case of any
             natural disasters.                               critical damages.

             Y Identification of probable affected area:
                                                              Optimal use of location intelligence and
             Natural disasters are the sudden events and the
             occurrence of such events can be predicted to certain  analytics to improve the services provided
             extent, based on the hazards that pose threat to the to citizens and customers
             area. As the natural disaster are the rare events, but  For forecasting and analyzing the past data and for
             the records of the past events  can give  valuable  trends analysis or for the prediction of the events the
             information.                                     different statistical methods are used based on the
                                                              distribution and the relationship of the data.
             Y Migration planning and measurements:
             In case of the events of natural disaster the mitigation  Data collection of the natural events is quite difficult
             planning plays an important role for the safety and  as most of the past records are in tabular data. The
             security of the lives of the people in the hazardous  next challenge is conversion of the data in GIS platform
             zone. The risk of the hazardous zone is not same all  and the segregation of data based on the events and
             over the areas, so in such case the GIS can be used to  the intensity of the impacts it has.
             demarcate the zones of the high medium and low risk
             zones within the area based on which the mitigation  Unique value proposition by TROPCYS for
             measurements can be planned. Depending upon the  emergency response
             severity of the natural disaster of the area can be
             determined using the GIS Tools.                  TROPCYC application has been developed for the
                                                              prediction or the forecast of the cyclone events that
             Y Post disaster management                       are probable to occur. The TROPCYC system considers
             GIS can be used for planning and managing the post  the past cyclonic event for the last 129 years. The data
             disaster management such as utility management,  consider the wind intensity data which had occurred
             finding the prone areas, calculating the economic  in the past 129 years, this data is extracted, segregated
             losses in terms of infrastructure and in case of  and processed for the number of cyclones that had
             irrigation.                                      occurred within the area, and using the statistical
                                                              method are used for prediction analysis.
             Y Fleet Management and planning rescue
             operations                                       In each report, wind speeds in km/hr, Flash Floods &
             GIS can be used for planning the fleet in case of  Storm Surge height at the given Geographical location
                                                              has mentioned, this is highlighted in classified zones
                                                              with  different scale. Hazard zones viz. Red Zone,
                                                              Orange Zone, Yellow Zone, Blue Zone and Green Zone
                                                              are marked on analyzing historical catastrophic
                                                              Cyclonic events from 1891 to till date.

                                                              On GIS platform, Storm Surge zones are marked on the
                                                              coast of India as defined by INCOIS and sea water
                                                              penetration on land is marked by analyzing published
                                                              reports from IMD. All the reports are in descriptive
                                                              formats; now after analyzing we have converted
                                                              reports in tabular format for clear understanding of the
                                                              users. T

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