Page 30 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
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             cross-border transfer of data thereby ensuring a  service providers, IT services etc must take a dedicated
             holistic protection of one's personal data and   cyber insurance policy. Businesses, regardless of its
             information.                                     service, chiefly depend on IT infrastructure to perform
                                                              their day to day operations and businesses. Any event
             Hence, we hope that the Bill will strike a balance  of  compromise with IT security can bring about
             between data privacy and fostering digital innovation  enormous data and business loss, expensive lawsuit etc.
             simultaneously. As India gears up to become a digital  As a result, to safeguard business functioning and its
             economy, with its thriving ICT and ecommerce sectors,  operations, enterprises must decide on a
             coupled with the rise in remote working and people  comprehensive cyber risk insurance policy.
             spending more time online, data  breaches and
             security threats have increased manifold. At present, References:
             India does not have a comprehensive data protection  1.
             framework when compared to other countries. The IT  not-enough-money-in-cyber-insurance/
             Act and the SPDI Rules only offer minimal protection  2.
             with respect to personal data and sensitive personal  articles/200902-cyber-risk-in-a-new-era-insurers-can-
             information.                                        be-part-of-the-solution
             All of this makes it critical to implement an overarching  11/cyber-insurance-a-proactive-measure-for-
             data protection framework that adequately deals with  enterprises.html
             data privacy and security. Businesses that bear sensitive  4.  IRDAI Annual Report 2019-20
             customer information, finance, banking, health care  5.  Newspapers & Journals

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