Page 35 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
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functions. Interaction between the CRO and the Board of the institutions where volume and growth are the
should occur regularly and be documented adequately. most important factors - financial crisis is imminent.
What challenges could come when World over, there is no-one-size fits-all model of CRO
reporting structure. There are multiple models
CRO reports to Board? prevalent in the enterprises some of which are:
In case, CRO has a direct reporting line to the board 1. CRO reports to another senior executive e.g., CFO
of directors, the Board and the CEO must have mutual or directly to CEO
understanding of the value contributed by the CRO 2. Dual reporting for CRO - to the CEO and the Board
with the intent of preserving his or her independent
role within the organization. 3. CRO reports to RMCB or ACB i.e. a Committee of
the Board
Over the period, the regulator has started having close
4. CRO reports directly to the Board
engagement with the entities, forcing a change in role
of CRO. Now, the Board is more sensitive to risk-related The conventional model of having a CRO report to
issues and requires Chief Risk Officers to have a direct either the CEO or anyone lower to him poses a
reporting line to the board. As CROs are spending more
dilemma in situations where there are serious
time complying with the regulatory aspects than on differences of views about the risk assessment of a
the serious issues of risk management, this can prove particular business model or proposition. The potential
to be very costly to the organizations. conflict of interest in such a situation between the deal
makers and the risk managers can best be avoided if
As competition grows and market share is at stake,
risk-taking will naturally rise and prudent risk-taking the CRO reports directly to the Board or to the Risk
will become necessary to achieve the business goals. Management Committee of the Board (RMCB) and the
Risk Management team reports to CRO. The Board
At such times, CROs cannot remain beholden to the
Board because timely decision taking is of essence in may, depending on its composition, decide to opt for
such situations. option (3) above also. In either of these situations the
Directors have the option of interacting with the CRO
Ultimately, the question of reporting relationship is less in the executive sessions to share their concerns. In
important than three other attributes or critical none of the situations, however, it would be prudent
success factors for the position: unfettered access to to alienate the CEO from the process completely as this
the CEO and the Board of directors; leadership of an would jeopardize the success of risk enterprise in the
enterprise-wide risk management committee; and a organization. The system would function best when
mutually supportive working relationship with the CFO the Management is working in tandem with the Board.
and the CCO of the organization.
Being executor of entire risk management functions, 1. What is the role of ‘Tone at the Top’ in setting
CRO needs free access to the Board as well as the CEO. culture? by NICHOLAS BARNETT Chief Executive
Not providing such access would cause disconnect in Officer, Insync file:///C:/Users/TRM/Desktop/
communication, causing delayed resolution to various Project-Risk/What%20is%20the%20role%20of
strategic problems. %20%E2%80%98Tone%20at%20the%20Top%
Conclusion: 2. RBI Discussion paper on Governance in Commercial
Banks of India – June 2020
Often, the CRO is the ultimate champion of the risk
management process in the organization. To be 3. Best Practices for Structuring ERM Within the
effective, he/she must have a prominent and effective Organization | ERM - Enterprise Risk Management
voice in the management. At the moment when crucial Initiative | North Carolina State Poole College of
issues are being discussed and CRO needs to put in a Management
contrarian view to protect the shareholder interest, erm-organizational-structure
how can a CRO go against a CEO who holds all the 4. The Chief Risk Officer: your business ally https://
powers relative to CRO’s career, viz., Salary, Incentives,
Promotion etc.? And if the CEO doesn’t believe in the Documents/AboutDeloitte/mepovdocuments/
value of risk management -as is the case with some mepov3/dtme_mepov3_The-Chief-RiskOfficer.pdf