Page 31 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
P. 31


             TONE AT THE TOP:

             SHOULD RISK


             DEPARTMENT BE


             TO BOARD OF


             Background:                                      1. Lack of Board Effectiveness.
             Risk is part of everyday business and organizational  2. Weak Risk Management Oversight
             strategy. However, the volume and nature of risks  3. Poor Ethos and Work Culture.
             facing organizations have increased tremendously over  4. Sub Optimal Communication.
             the last decade due to the complexity of business  5. Excessive Complex Structure.
             transactions, technological advances, globalization and
                                                              6. Inappropriate Incentives.
             the overall pace of change in the environment.
                                                              7. Information Glass Ceiling.
             Although risk oversight has always been an important  8. Dubious Role of Audit.
             aspect of the Board’s oversight responsibilities, the
             financial crisis of 2008 has brought it into sharper focus.  In June 2020, the Reserve Bank of India, Department
             The role of the Board of Directors in enterprise-wide risk  of Regulation circulated a Discussion paper on
             oversight has become increasingly challenging and there  Governance in Commercial Banks in India. Some of the
             are heightened expectations from various Stakeholders  points relating to Risk management from this paper
             on the Board’s involvement in risk.              are reproduced below:
                                                              “1. An independent risk management function is one
             After the World Financial Crisis involving unexpected  of the key elements in the governance structure
             fall of some of the invincible looking Organizations, the  and is part of the second line of defense.
             following major reasons were identified:         2. The risk management function and its
                                                                 functionaries shall be accountable and report only
                                Author                           to the Risk Management Committee of the Board
               Tirath Raj Mendiratta
                                                              3. The head of the risk management function, to be

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