Page 13 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 13


             that risk management strategies remain effective and  Conclusion
             up-to-date in response to evolving risks.
                                                              Risk managers are susceptible to the flaws of anchor-
                                                              ing and hindsight bias, but they play a crucial role in
             In conclusion, mitigating emerging risks requires a pro-
                                                              attempting to comprehend risk interactions and the
             active and flexible risk management strategy. By iden-
                                                              unintended consequences of emerging risks. Which
             tifying and evaluating emerging risks, developing a risk  risks will come to dominate the decision-making pro-
             management plan, investing in appropriate risk man-
                                                              cess? The world's geopolitical risk is increasing, with
             agement measures, implementing sustainable prac-
                                                              an uncertain outcome.
             tises, providing regular training, collaborating with in-
             dustry peers and government agencies, and conduct-  Will overpopulation result in food shortages or the
             ing regular reviews and assessments, individuals and  spread of disease or global warming? Through vigi-
             organisations can better prepare for and mitigate the  lance and the utilisation of leading indicators,
             impact of emerging risks.                        organisations can better face these challenges.

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