Page 9 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
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             in place, organizations can mitigate the effects of geo-  X  Balli, F., Balli, H. O., Hasan, M., & Gregory-Allen, R.
             political risks and ensure that they can continue op-  (2022). Geopolitical risk spillovers and its determi-
             erations despite these obstacles.                   nants. The Annals of Regional Science, 68(2), 463-
             In conclusion, managing geopolitical risk is a complex
                                                              X  Caldara, D., & Iacoviello, M. (2022). Measuring geo-
             and dynamic challenge for organizations. Geopolitical
                                                                 political risk. American Economic Review, 112(4),
             hazards can disrupt supply chains, financial perfor-
             mance, regulatory compliance, brand value, and repu-
                                                              X  Hailemariam, A., & Ivanovski, K. (2021). The impact
             tation. To effectively manage these risks, organizations
                                                                 of geopolitical risk on tourism. Current Issues in Tour-
             must develop a comprehensive risk management strat-  ism, 24(22), 3134-3140.
             egy that identifies and evaluates geopolitical risks,
             develops mitigation strategies, and monitors these  X  Woods, M. (2022). Risk management in
                                                                 organisations: An integrated case study approach.
             risks continuously. By doing so, organizations can miti-
             gate the impact of geopolitical risks and ensure they
             are well-positioned to navigate these challenges in a  X  Anser, M. K., Syed, Q. R., & Apergis, N. (2021). Does
             global environment that is becoming increasingly com-  geopolitical risk escalate CO2 emissions? Evidence
             plex.                                               from the BRICS countries. Environmental Science and
                                                                 Pollution Research, 28(35), 48011-48021.
             References                                       X  Anser, M. K., Syed, Q. R., & Apergis, N. (2021). Does

             X   Bodnar, G. M., Giambona, E., Graham, J. R., Harvey,  geopolitical risk escalate CO2 emissions? Evidence
                 C. R., & Marston, R. C. (2011, March). Managing risk  from the BRICS countries. Environmental Science and
                 management. In AFA 2012 Chicago Meetings Paper.  Pollution Research, 28(35), 48011-48021. T

                                                RMAI Activities

               We are shortly going to open chapters of the Association all over India. The role of the chapters would be to
               promote the cause of Risk Management in the local area by organizing workshops, seminars and interactions.
               Interested persons/bodies having the urge to promote the concept may contact the Secretary General for
               the formalities.
               We shall be conducting workshops and seminars across India on recent Risk Management Developments to
               discuss and deliberate on various issues related to Risk Management, Safety, Fraud, Technology and other
               relevant areas.
               Research/Case study
               We are encouraging members to submit case study on various industries which may serve as a road-map to
               others and help to adopt best business practices in Risk Management.
               Certificate Courses
               We ar going to offer certificate courses on Risk Management and allied areas for the members. We have
               tiedup with Association of Internal Control United Kindom to offer their courses in India.  We have also tiedup
               with Chartered Insurance Institute, London to offer their courses in India.
               Tie-up with Risk Management Bodies
               We have tiedup with the Professional bodies around the world to gain insight about their activities and new
               developments in the Risk Management field.

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