Page 5 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 5


             How Geopolitical Risk

             can disrupt the whole

             Risk Management

             Strategy of an


                                                                                          Geetanjali Matai

             Introduction                                     military conflicts, terrorism, sanctions, trade disputes,
                                                              political instability, and alterations in government
             Geopolitics is the study of how geographical elements
             like topography, resources, and position, together with  Geopolitical risk is a crucial factor for businesses and
             political and economic elements, influence how gov-  investors because it can increase market uncertainty
             ernments behave in international relations and how  and volatility, which can have a negative impact on
             they interact with one another. It entails examining  investments and business operations. Companies that
             how geography, power, and ideology affect nation-  operate in countries or regions with a high geopoliti-
             state behavior and how they affect international af-  cal risk may experience increased regulatory hurdles,
             fairs, conflicts, and alliances. Geopolitics also consid-  supply chain disruptions, and a decrease in demand for
             ers the historical, social, and cultural determinants of  their products.
             international relations and the dynamics of world
             power. It is a challenging field that changes constantly  In addition to economic and financial effects, geopo-
             and necessitates knowledge of many academic fields,  litical risk can have significant social and humanitarian
             including political science, geography, history, and eco-  repercussions, such as population displacement, vio-
             nomics.                                          lations of human rights, and environmental harm.
                                                              Understanding and effectively managing geopolitical
             Geopolitical Risk                                risk is therefore essential for both businesses and
             Geopolitical risk is the possibility that political and
             economic events, actions, or circumstances in a spe-
             cific country or region will have a significant impact on  Types of Geo-political Risks-
             enterprises, financial markets, and international rela-  Emerging geopolitical threats have a growing impact
             tions. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as  on businesses and organizations worldwide. These

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