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                Risk Management Association of India

                             Registered Under Societies Registration Act - 1961 Vide Registration No. S/73835 (WB)
                             Global Body Dedicated to Education, Research and Development on Risk Management

                    VOL. VII - No. 01 - February 2024
           Council Members                                          Editorial
           Mr. R.G.Agarwala, President
           Prof. (Dr.) Abhijit K Chattoraj, Vice President
           Dr. Rakesh Agarwal, Secretary General       Risk management is transcending its conventional role as a
           Mr. Shyam Agarwal, Treasurer                guardian against potential threats. The industry is increasingly
           Mr. Vineet Agrwal                           embracing a holistic concept of enterprise resilience. Beyond
           Mr. Naren Bonnerjee                         mitigating  risks,  organizations  are  proactively  cultivating  a
           Mr. Bilwa Banerjee                          resilient culture that encompasses adaptive strategies, crisis
           Mr. Vivek Kumar Naik
           Mr. Deepak Choudhary                        response frameworks, and an innate ability to thrive in the face
                                                       of  uncertainty.  This  shift  positions  risk  management  as  a
                                                       strategic  enabler  for  organizational  agility  and  sustainable
           Advisory Council Members
           Mr. B D Banerjee                            growth.
           Mr. Kamalji Sahay                           Risk  management  is  no  longer  a  siloed  function  within
           Mr. G Srinivasan
           Mr. Kaushal K Mishra                        organizations; it's part of a larger ecosystem. The industry is
           Mr. Sridhar Kalyanasundaram                 witnessing  the  rise  of  collaborative  risk  ecosystems  where
           Mr. Somit Chitrey                           organizations,  regulators,  and  stakeholders  actively  share
           Mr. KB Vijay Srinivas                       insights  and  intelligence.  This  collaborative  approach
           Mr. Vivek Kumar Naik                        strengthens  the  collective  resilience  of  industries  against
           Mr. Deepak Choudhary                        systemic risks. By fostering a culture of shared responsibility,
                                                       organizations  contribute  to  a  risk-aware  environment  that
           RMAI Industry Experts                       transcends individual corporate boundaries.
           Mr. Amol Padhye - Banking
           Mr. N.K.V Roop Kumar - Life Insurance       Technology  is  not  just  a  tool  within  risk  management;  it's  a
           Mr. Anjan Bhattacharya - Life Insurance     transformative force reshaping the very foundations of how we
           Mr. Ganesh Iyer - Life Insurance            perceive  and  manage  risks.  Artificial  intelligence,  machine
           Mr. Vikas Newatia - General Insurance       learning, and data analytics are ushering in an era of predictive
           Mr. Avez Sayed - General Insurance          and  prescriptive  risk  insights.  The  industry  is  witnessing  a
           Mr. Surath Mukherjee - Corporate
           Mr. Dwaipayan Dutta - Life and Health       metamorphosis where technology is not merely adopted but
           Mr. Kr Sumit Gaurav - Life Insurance, Uganda  embedded  into  the  DNA  of  risk  management  processes,
                                                       facilitating informed decision-making and strategic foresight.
           RMAI Brand Ambassador                       Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations
           Mr. Shaik Gulam Afzal Biya Bani,            are emerging as the moral compass guiding risk management
           Middle-East and North Africa (MENA)
                                                       strategies.  Organizations  are  acknowledging  the  profound
                                                       impact of non-financial factors on risk profiles. From climate
           RMAI Academic Council                       change  risks  to  social  responsibility  considerations,  ESG
           Prof Manoj K Pandey
           Prof Pratik Priyadarshi                     integration is not just about compliance but a commitment to
           Dr. A. A. Attarwala                         responsible and sustainable business practices. This holistic
                                                       approach  aligns  risk  management  with  broader  societal
           Registered Office                           expectations, fostering ethical resilience.
           25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street
           Near Girish Park Metro, Kolkata – 700007 (India)  We urge members to share your thoughts, experience through
           Website :                  articles, blogs which can be covered in our Bulletin or website.
           Email :                   We look forward to more participation and would also invite your
           Help Line : 033 22184184 / 40078378 / 40078428  suggestions.

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