Page 6 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 6
risks are intricate and interconnected, posing signifi- Y Social hazards are the effects of social factors,
cant obstacles for organizations attempting to navigate such as demographic shifts, inequality, and social
a global environment that is becoming increasingly unrest, on enterprises and organizations. Changes
volatile and uncertain. in consumer preferences and behavior, labor mar-
ket disruptions, and social unrest that disrupts
The following are some of the most prominent catego- supply chains and other operations are examples
ries of geopolitical hazards that have emerged in re- of social risks.
cent years.
Y Technological Risks: As new technologies, such as
Y Cybersecurity risks have become a significant con- artificial intelligence, automation, and blockchain,
cern for both enterprises and governments.
transform the way businesses and organizations
Cyberattacks can wreak havoc on vital infrastruc- operate, technological risks are growing in impor-
ture, supply chains, and financial systems, as well tance. Technological risks include the possibility of
as contribute to the seizure of valuable data and
cyberattacks, the impact of new technologies on
intellectual property. In the context of geopoliti- employment, and the regulatory challenges posed
cal tensions, where state-sponsored hacking and by the introduction of new technologies.
cyberattacks are on the rise, cybersecurity risks
are especially severe.
Y Geoeconomic Risks refer to the impact of politi-
These emerging geopolitical risks are highly intercon-
cal and economic factors on international trade
nected and complex, posing significant obstacles for
and investment flows. Trade tensions between
businesses and organizations attempting to navigate an
major economies, such as the United States and
increasingly volatile and uncertain global environment.
China, have resulted in the imposition of tariffs
It is imperative that organizations develop comprehen-
and other trade barriers, which have disrupted
sive risk management strategies that incorporate these
supply chains and increased business expenses.
emerging risks, and that they remain informed of glo-
The impact of economic sanctions, which can re-
bal events and political developments that may have
strict access to financial markets and limit invest-
an impact on their operations. By doing so, organiza-
ment opportunities, is also included among the
tions can mitigate the impact of geopolitical risks and
geoeconomic hazards.
ensure they are well-positioned to navigate these chal-
Y As populist movements acquire traction and gov- lenges in a global environment that is becoming in-
ernments become more polarized, Political haz- creasingly complex.
ards are intensifying in many regions of the globe.
This can result in policy uncertainty, regulatory Geopolitical risk has become an increasingly vital con-
challenges, and policy changes that affect enter- sideration for organizations' overall risk management
prises and organizations. In addition to the poten- strategies. These risks can be caused by political insta-
tial for military conflicts, terrorism, and other bility, economic sanctions, trade disputes, natural di-
forms of violence, political risks also include the sasters, and other global events that can have substan-
possibility of such occurrences. tial effects on businesses and their operations. This
essay will discuss how geopolitical risk can undermine
Y Environmental hazards: As the effects of climate
change become more pronounced, environmen- an organization's entire risk management strategy.
tal hazards become more significant. Extreme
Geopolitical risks can disrupt supply channels, which
weather events, rising sea levels, and other
can have a significant impact on an organization's abil-
environmental challenges can cause supply chain
ity to deliver goods and services to consumers. A trade
disruptions, infrastructure damage, and substan-
dispute between two nations, for instance, may result
tial economic losses. In low-lying coastal
in tariffs or other trade barriers that increase the cost
regions and other regions prone to climate-related
of importing and exporting products. This can contrib-
risks, environmental dangers are especially pro-
ute to shipping delays or an increase in the price of
basic materials, which can cause production delays or