Page 10 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 10


             Identify the top

             emerging risks and

             possible ways to

             mitigate those

             risks.                                                                     Parth Shankhdhar

             Introduction                                        kinds of attacks. Investing in cybersecurity mea-
                                                                 sures like as firewalls, anti-virus software, and in-
             Risks that individuals, corporations, and governments
                                                                 trusion detection systems are some examples of
             face are continually increasing as a direct result of the
             world's ongoing evolution. Emerging risks are hazards  methods that you might be able to reduce the
                                                                 risks associated with cybersecurity.
             that have not yet been completely understood or iden-
             tified, as well as risks that are new, developing, or  b. Provide consistent training sessions for staff on
             changing in nature. It is crucial to identify and man-  how to recognise and prevent being tricked by
             age emerging risks in order to minimise their impact  phishing emails and other forms of social engi-
             and assure the continuity of business operations. In  neering.
             this article, we will identify some of the most signifi-
                                                              c.  Create an incident response strategy in order to
             cant new dangers and examine various strategies that
                                                                 reduce the severity of the effects of a cyber-at-
             could be used to lessen or eliminate those dangers.
             1. Cybersecurity Risks                           d. Carry out vulnerability assessments on a regular
                                                                 basis in order to locate and address any holes in
             a.  The hazards posed by cybersecurity are a major
                                                                 the system.
                 emerging issue that both individuals and corpora-
                 tions must contend with. Attacks on computers
                 and networks are being carried out with increas-  2. Climate Change Risks
                 ingly sophisticated methodology and increasingly  a.  The phenomena of climate change are occurring
                 cutting-edge software and hardware. Data        on a worldwide scale and carries with it enormous
                 breaches, the loss of sensitive information, and  dangers for individuals, businesses, and govern-
                 financial losses are all potential outcomes of these  ments. The effects of climate change include an

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