Page 22 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 22


                 for years, yet there was still uncertainty and a lack  making to navigate changing circumstances suc-
                 of preparedness when it actually occurred.      cessfully.

             f)  Uncontrollable: Emerging risks often originate ex-  d) Respond to Opportunities: Resilience goes be-
                 ternally to an organization and are beyond direct  yond mere survival. It empowers organizations to
                 control. Rather than trying to control them, orga-  recognize and respond to opportunities that arise
                 nizations need to adapt and respond to mitigate  amid uncertainty. By leveraging their adaptive
                 the impact. With COVID-19, organizations had to  capabilities, organizations can seize favourable cir-
                 adapt their working practices and environments to  cumstances, make informed decisions, and capi-
                 navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic.  talize on emerging trends.
             g) Volatile: This refers  to significant and rapid
                 changes in the risk within a short period. During  In summary, tackling emerging risks through resilience
                 the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, there were dras-  empowers organizations to anticipate, prepare for,
                 tic shifts in daily life. For example, in India, life was  withstand, recover from, and adapt to adverse events
                                                              while enabling them to respond to opportunities with
                 relatively normal in the early months but quickly
                 changed with the implementation of a nationwide  confidence and agility.
                 lockdown in March.
                                                              Why do organisations avoid tackling emerg-
             Understanding these characteristics of emerging risks, ing risks?
             including their ambiguity, complexity, and volatility, is  Emerging risks are indeed risks, and the conventional
             crucial for effectively managing and responding to  risk management processes continue to be applicable.
             them, as demonstrated by the ongoing challenges  However, quantifying the likelihoods and impacts of
             posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.                  emerging risks with certainty often proves to be chal-
                                                              lenging. The ambiguous nature of these risks, coupled
             Tackling Emerging Risks: -                       with a lack of available information, makes timely de-
             Tackling emerging risks is vital for organizations to  cision-making difficult.
             cultivate resilience and navigate uncertain circum-
             stances successfully. Unlike traditional risk manage-  Historically, many charities have tended to side-line
             ment, which primarily aims to support organizational  emerging risks, categorizing them as too complex to
             objectives and plans, resilience empowers organiza-  address. This is primarily because these risks typically
             tions to:                                        fall into the category of low likelihood but high impact,
             a) Anticipate and Prepare: Resilience allows organi-  which may not align with the short-term objectives
                 zations to foresee potential adverse scenarios or  that organizations often prioritize.
                 events, enabling them to proactively prepare for
                                                              Moreover, if senior management or the board lacks
                 and mitigate their impacts. This includes develop-
                 ing contingency plans, implementing risk mitiga-  experience in strategic planning or risk discussions,
                                                              addressing emerging risks becomes even more chal-
                 tion strategies, and fostering adaptive capacities.
                                                              lenging. Additionally, there is a constant pressure on
             b) Withstand and Recover: Resilience equips orga-
                                                              leadership time, leading to a tendency to focus only
                 nizations to withstand and absorb the impacts of
                                                              on immediate issues where more information is readily
                 adverse events. By building robust systems, struc-
                                                              available. This behavior of prioritizing current issues is
                 tures, and processes, organizations can bounce
                                                              ingrained and can be seen in the adaptation to Gen-
                 back more effectively from disruptions and re-  eral Data Protection regulations as well.
                 cover from the effects of unexpected challenges.
             c)  Adapt to Changing Conditions: Resilience enables  It is crucial for organizations to recognize the inherent
                 organizations to adapt to evolving conditions and  challenges associated with emerging risks, including
                 environments. By embracing flexibility and em-  the need to go beyond short-term objectives and al-
                 bracing a proactive mindset, organizations can  locate sufficient time and resources for strategic plan-
                 adjust their strategies, operations, and decision-  ning and risk management. By adopting a forward-

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