Page 24 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 24


               Strengths      The organization's trustee board has recently appointed a dedicated trustee champion
                              to oversee risk and compliance issues. This appointment demonstrates a commitment
                              to addressing these crucial areas and enhancing risk management practices.
               Weaknesses     The organization currently faces challenges in complying with existing regulations and
                              lacks robust governance and assurance systems. This weakness highlights the need for
                              improvement in regulatory compliance and the implementation of effective governance
               Opportunities  The upcoming regulatory change presents an opportunity for the organization to enhance
                              its compliance efforts. By establishing a comprehensive assurance system, the organiza-
                              tion can not only ensure compliance with relevant regulations but also extend its effec-
                              tiveness to encompass other rules applicable to its activities.
               Threats        The organization faces potential threats in the form of stricter future regulations. These
                              regulations may come with increased fines for non-compliance and the possibility of
                              negative media coverage. It is essential for the organization to proactively address these
                              threats to avoid reputational damage and financial penalties.

             Horizon Scanning                                    building of consensus among diverse stakeholders
                                                                 by bringing together different perspectives and ex-
             Horizon scanning is a valuable technique employed
                                                                 pertise. It encourages collaboration and engage-
             across various sectors to proactively identify potential
                                                                 ment, enabling stakeholders to collectively address
             issues and risks that may impact an organization in the
                                                                 identified issues and take unified actions.
             future within our complex and interconnected world.
             By conducting horizon scanning, organizations can:  Y  Address Policy/Strategy Choices: Horizon scan-
             Y   Deepen Understanding: Horizon scanning helps    ning helps organizations identify and clarify chal-
                 organizations develop a deeper comprehension of  lenging policy or strategic decisions and trade-offs
                 the driving forces shaping future policy and strat-  that may arise in the future. By recognizing poten-
                 egy development. It enables them to stay in-    tial dilemmas in advance, organizations can
                 formed about emerging trends, technologies, and  proactively devise robust strategies that consider
                 societal changes that could significantly influence  multiple scenarios and potential outcomes.
                 their operations.
                                                              Y  Foster Resilient Strategic Approaches: By integrat-
             Y   Identify Knowledge Gaps: Through horizon scan-  ing horizon scanning into their strategic planning,
                 ning, organizations can identify gaps in their un-  organizations can create a new strategic approach
                 derstanding and areas that require further re-  that prioritizes resilience and adaptability. This
                 search. This process enables them to gain a more  approach ensures that organizations remain agile
                 comprehensive understanding of the driving      and responsive to evolving external conditions,
                 forces behind potential risks and opportunities.
                                                                 enabling them to navigate uncertainties and seize
             Y   Build Consensus: Horizon scanning facilitates the  opportunities effectively.

               Identify key   Assemble a diverse group of relevant individuals who possess different perspectives and
               stakeholder    expertise. It is important to prioritize inclusivity and open-mindedness to ensure a
                              comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
               Kick Off       Initiate the horizon scanning process by clearly defining the purpose, methodology, and
                              expected outcomes. This step establishes the guidelines for conducting the horizon
                              scanning exercise and how the resulting insights will be utilized in decision-making.
               Research       Allocate specific issues or topics to individual stakeholders within a defined timeframe.
                              Each stakeholder conducts research using various resources such as professional journals,
                              online content, and other relevant sources to gather information on their assigned topic.

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