Page 23 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 23


             thinking approach and embracing a broader perspec-
             tive beyond immediate concerns, organizations can
             effectively address emerging risks and safeguard their
             long-term sustainability and success.

             Techniques for identifying Emerging Risks: -
             Identifying emerging risks can present challenges, but
             various techniques can assist in the process, such as
             PESTLE, SWOT, and horizon scanning. Charities can
             adopt one or multiple techniques while also consider-  2) Stakeholder Briefing: Provide a comprehensive
             ing external sources for additional information and  overview of the project's context, strategic objec-
             insights.                                           tives, and project objectives to ensure that stake-
                                                                 holders are adequately prepared for the upcom-
             Three techniques: PESTLE, SWOT, and Horizon Scan-   ing Review Meeting.
             ning are popular for identifying emerging risks. De-  3) Review Meeting: Facilitate the sharing, gathering,
             pending on the specific context, organizations may  and examination of insights across each category,
             choose to use one or more of these techniques, either  encompassing both internal and external risks.
             individually or concurrently. It is advisable to engage
                                                              4) Meeting Output: Systematically document the
             a diverse group of stakeholders and subject matter
                                                                 acquired insights, organizing them into themes, is-
             experts to ensure a comprehensive range of insights
                                                                 sues, and risks. For instance, a table with PESTLE
             and inputs.
                                                                 factors can serve as headings for categorization.
                                                                 This compiled information constitutes the current
             PESTLE Analysis                                     inventory of potential emerging risks to be moni-
             Analysis serves to discern and ascertain the external  tored.
             elements within the subsequent classifications:  5) Reflection and Review: Allow for a suitable period
                                                                 of contemplation, followed by a subsequent gath-
                                                                 ering of the stakeholders to collectively review and
                                                                 confirm the identified emerging risks.

                                                              SWOT Analysis
                                                              SWOT analysis is a valuable technique for organizations
                                                              to gain insights into their internal strengths and weak-
                                                              nesses, as well as external opportunities and threats.
                                                              It aids in comprehending the current state of the or-
                                                              ganization and identifying areas where it excels, areas
             This technique facilitates an organization's ability to  that require improvement, potential avenues  for
             contemplate potential emerging risks across various  growth, and potential risks and challenges to be mind-
             categories, stimulating a broader and more compre-  ful of.
             hensive perspective within specific topic areas. It
             serves as a valuable tool for expanding critical think-
             ing and considering a wider range of possibilities. The
             following techniques can be employed to harness its
             1) Stakeholder Identification: Bring together perti-
                 nent individuals who possess valuable perspec-
                 tives from political, economic, social, technologi-
                 cal, legal, and/or environmental standpoints.

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