Page 29 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 29


             Background                                       markets, are countries experiencing rapid economic
                                                              growth and development, positioning them between
             While the modern concept of risk management is
                                                              the developing and developed world. These nations
             closely tied to the development of financial markets
                                                              are characterized by significant industrialization, urban-
             and the growth of large organizations, the fundamen-
                                                              ization, and the expansion of their middle class. Emerg-
             tal principles of risk management have ancient origins.
             In the early days, risk management was practiced in-  ing economies often have rich natural resources, trade
                                                              actively on the global stage, and attract foreign invest-
             formally by traders and merchants who sought to mini-
                                                              ment. Countries such as India, Brazil, Russia, South
             mize losses from unpredictable events, such as
             weather, wars, or shipwrecks.                    Africa, and several Southeast Asian nations are notable
                                                              examples of emerging economies. These economies
                                                              offer promising investment opportunities and are key
             The formalization of risk management began in the
             late 19th and early 20th centuries with the advent of  drivers of global economic growth. While they present
                                                              vast potential, they also face unique challenges, includ-
             insurance. Insurance companies offered individuals
                                                              ing political and regulatory uncertainties, income in-
             and businesses a means to transfer risk to a third party
                                                              equality, and environmental concerns. Emerging
             in exchange for premiums. This innovation marked a
                                                              economies play a vital role in shaping the global eco-
             significant step in risk management by spreading the
                                                              nomic landscape, making them important focal points
             financial burden of unexpected events.
                                                              for businesses, investors, and policymakers alike.
             As industries and financial markets expanded, the need
             for more sophisticated risk management tools and Key Attributes and Characteristics of
             practices grew. This led to the development of risk  emerging economies
             management as a specialized discipline. In the mid-
                                                              Emerging economies exhibit a range of key attributes
             20th century, risk management techniques, including
                                                              that distinguish them from both developed and least
             statistical analysis and actuarial science, became inte-
                                                              developed economies. These attributes reflect the
             gral in areas such as underwriting, investment, and
                                                              dynamic and transitional nature of these economies as
             corporate finance.
                                                              they progress towards higher levels of development.
             The late 20th century witnessed a major shift in risk
                                                              The specific attributes of emerging economies can vary
             management with the development of complex finan-
                                                              from one country to another and can evolve over time.
             cial instruments, such as derivatives, which were de-
                                                              While these economies offer significant growth poten-
             signed to hedge or speculate on price movements and
                                                              tial and investment opportunities, they also face risks
             interest rates. This period also highlighted the impor-
                                                              and uncertainties that necessitate effective gover-
             tance of risk management in the wake of financial cri-
                                                              nance and risk management. These attributes reflect
             ses, prompting the development of risk management
                                                              the dynamic nature of emerging economies as they
             standards and regulations.
                                                              progress along their development paths.
             Today, risk management is an integral part of virtually all
                                                              Some of the key attributes of emerging econo-
             industries, from finance and insurance to manufacturing
                                                              mies include:
             and healthcare. It involves a multidisciplinary approach
             that incorporates quantitative analysis, modeling, and  Y  Economic Growth: Emerging economies typically
             strategic decision-making. Risk management practices  experience higher economic growth rates com-
             continue to evolve in response to changing economic,  pared to developed economies. This growth is
                                                                 often driven by factors such as increased industri-
             technological, and regulatory landscapes, highlighting the
             ongoing importance of managing uncertainties for orga-  alization, investment, and exports.
             nizational and societal stability and prosperity.  Y  Industrialization: Emerging economies are in the
                                                                 process of transitioning from primarily agrarian or
             What are Emerging Economies?                        resource-based economies to more industrial and
             Emerging economies, often referred to as emerging   manufacturing-oriented ones. This shift involves a

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