Page 30 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 30


                 greater emphasis on manufacturing and produc-  Here are some guidelines for effective risk manage-
                 tion activities.                             ment in emerging economies:
                                                              Y  Understand the Local Environment: Gain a deep
             Y   Urbanization: Significant urbanization is a com-
                                                                 understanding of the local business, economic, po-
                 mon characteristic of emerging economies. Rural-
                 to-urban migration leads to the growth of cities  litical, and cultural environment in the specific
                                                                 emerging economy in which you operate. Local
                 and urban centers, which can result in increased
                                                                 insights are invaluable for identifying and assess-
                 economic activity.
                                                                 ing risks accurately.
             Y   Increasing Consumer Base: As these economies
                                                              Y  Holistic Risk Assessment: Conduct a comprehen-
                 grow, they often witness the emergence of a
                                                                 sive risk assessment that considers all types of
                 larger middle class with rising disposable incomes.  risks, including financial, operational, market, po-
                 This expanding consumer base drives increased
                                                                 litical, regulatory, and environmental risks. Be
                 demand for goods and services.
                                                                 mindful of the interconnectedness of these risks.
             Y   Trade Growth: Emerging economies are typically
                                                              Y  Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Stay up-to-date
                 major players in international trade. Exports and
                                                                 with local laws and regulations. Ensure strict com-
                 imports play a significant role in their economic  pliance with local regulations to avoid legal and fi-
                 activity, and they often possess competitive ad-
                                                                 nancial penalties. Establish a dedicated compli-
                 vantages in certain industries or have abundant
                                                                 ance function.
                 natural resources.
                                                              Y  Political Risk Management: Develop strategies to
             Y   Resource Abundance: Many emerging economies     manage political risks, including changes in gov-
                 are rich in natural resources, such as minerals, en-  ernment policies, political instability, and geopo-
                 ergy, and agricultural products, which can be a  litical tensions. Consider political risk insurance or
                 source of economic growth and export revenues.  investment guarantees where appropriate.

             Y   Investment Opportunities: Emerging economies  Y  Currency and Exchange Rate Risk: Implement ef-
                 offer attractive investment opportunities for both  fective currency risk management strategies, such
                 domestic and foreign investors. High growth po-  as hedging, to protect against volatile exchange
                 tential, the possibility of high returns on invest-  rates, especially if you engage in international
                 ment, and access to new and expanding markets   trade or have foreign currency-denominated as-
                 make them appealing investment destinations.    sets or liabilities.

             Y   Political and Social Change: Economic develop-  Y  Supply Chain Resilience: Enhance supply chain re-
                 ment often coincides with political and social  silience by diversifying suppliers, implementing
                 changes. Emerging economies may experience      contingency plans, and preparing for supply chain
                 shifts in governance, improved access to educa-  disruptions, which are more common in emerging
                 tion, and changes in societal norms and structures.  economies.

             Y   Environmental and Sustainability Concerns: As  Y  Credit Risk Management: Establish rigorous credit
                 they grow, emerging economies face environmen-  policies and conduct thorough due diligence on
                 tal and sustainability challenges, such as resource  customers and counterparties to manage credit
                 depletion, pollution, and climate change, which  risk effectively. Regularly monitor the financial
                 require careful management and policy responses.  health of customers and suppliers.
                                                              Y  Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
             Guidelines for Risk Management in                   Risks: Incorporate ESG factors into your risk as-
                                                                 sessment and management practices. Address en-
             Emerging Technologies                               vironmental and social risks and work on improv-

             Risk management practices in emerging economies     ing governance practices, as these are increasingly
             require a tailored approach due to the unique chal-  important considerations for investors and stake-
             lenges and opportunities these economies present.   holders.

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