Page 32 - Risk Management Bulletin February 2024
P. 32



             Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis                Probability and Impact Matrix
             The process of prioritizing risks for further analysis or  A grid for linking or mapping the probability of
             action by assessing and combining their probability of  occurrence of each risk and its impact on project
             occurrence and impact.                           objectives if that risk occurs.

             Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis               Procedure
             The process of numerically analyzing the effect of  An established method of accomplishing a consistent
             identified risks on overall project objectives.  performance or result, a procedure typically can be
                                                              described as the sequence of steps that will be used
             Plan Risk Management                             to execute a process.
             The process of defining how  to  conduct risk
             management activities for a project.             Process
                                                              A systematic series of activities directed toward
             Plan Risk Responses                              causing an end result such that one or more inputs will
             The process of developing options and actions to  be acted upon to create one or more outputs.
             improve opportunities and reduce threats to project
             objectives.                                      Product
                                                              An artifact that is produced, is quantifiable, and can
             Planning Process Group                           be either an end item in itself or a component item.
             Processes required to establish the scope of the  Additional words for products are “material” and
             project, refine the objectives, and define the course of  “goods.”
             action required to attain the objectives that the project
             was undertaken to achieve.                       Program
                                                              Related projects, subsidiary programs, and program
             Policy                                           activities that are managed in a coordinated manner
             A structured  pattern of actions adopted  by an  to obtain benefits not available from managing them
             organization such that the organization’s policy can be  individually.
             explained as a set of basic principles that govern the
             organization’s conduct.                          Program Management
                                                              The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and
             Portfolio                                        techniques to a program to meet its requirements and
             Projects, programs, subsidiary portfolios, and   obtain benefits and control not available by managing
             operations managed as a group to achieve strategic  projects individually.
                                                              Project Communications Management
             Preventive Action                                It includes the processes required to ensure timely and
             An intentional activity that ensures the future  appropriate planning, collection, creation, distribution,
             performance of the project work is aligned with the  storage, retrieval, management, control, monitoring,
             project management plan.                         and ultimate disposition of project information.

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