Page 39 - Banking Finance May 2023
P. 39








          Introduction                                        What is Conversational Banking?
          The Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) industry  Conversational banking means  banking digitally through
          is  continuously  undergoing  a  remarkable  digital  voice, text messaging apps or by engaging the customer
          transformation that is leading the way with new FinTech,  using visual tools. The communication can take the form of
          InsurTech and RegTech services. Taking a cue from this,  a chat, either text or voice or video, where the customer
          banks that have moved from traditional banking methods  can directly chat with the bank. Soon, this can even take
          to digital methods should start thinking about engaging their  the  form  of communicating  face-to-face in  a  virtual
          customers through conversational banking strategies.  environment (metaverse, for example).

          Research shows that most of the institutions, at some point,  Advantages
          considered determining the next best action in customer
                                                              Conversational banking facilitates customers to interact with
          communication using strategies that involved optimizing the
                                                              chatbots, voice assistants, human agents via live chat,
          use of technology by leveraging Customer/ Data Analytics,
                                                              mobile apps to get customized advice. By adding a personal
          Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to improve the
                                                              touch  on  the  customers'  preferred  mode  of  digital
          overall experience of the customer.
                                                              interaction, along with the convenience, they are also
                                                              offered a quick and logical solution with an emotional touch.
                               About the author
                                                              Meansof Conversational Banking
                        Prasanna Babu M R
                                                              Support through Automation
                        Manager  (Research)
                        State  Bank  Institute  of  Innovation  &  Chatbots in banking can assist to conduct a wide variety of
                        Technology (SBIIT), Hyderabad
                                                              financial transactions in a customer-friendly conversational

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