Page 43 - Banking Finance May 2023
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          decode the information that is contained within it. The  One potential benefit of QR codes is that they can help
          software then performs the appropriate action,  such as  reduce physical contact in a variety of settings. For example,
          opening a website or displaying a product description.  QR codes can be used to order food or drinks in a restaurant
                                                              without having to interact with a server. QR codes can also
          QR codes can be used to encode a wide variety of different  be used to check into hotels or rental properties without
          types of information, including text, URLs, email addresses,  having to interact with a receptionist.
          phone numbers, and more. They can also be customized
          with different colours, logos, and designs, making them a  Why  are  QR  Codes  the  Next  Big
          versatile and effective tool for marketing and advertising.

          However, despite the potential benefits of QR codes, they  There are several reasons why QR codes are poised  to
          never really caught on with the general public. One reason  become the next big disruptor:
          for this was that in the early days, users needed a special  They  are  convenient  and  efficient.  QR  codes  allow
          app to scan QR codes, which created an additional barrier  information to be transmitted quickly and easily, without the
          to entry. Additionally, the codes were often small and  need for manual input. This makes them ideal for a variety
          difficult  to  scan  accurately,  which  made the process  of applications, from shopping to ticketing to information
          frustrating for users.                              sharing.They are versatile. QR codes can be used to encode
                                                              a wide variety of different types of information, making
          However, recent advances in technology have made it easier  them a flexible tool for marketers and businesses.They are
          than ever to scan QR codes. Most smartphones now have  cost-effective. QR codes can be generated and printed at a
          built-in QR code readers, so users no longer need to download  low cost, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes.
          a separate app. Additionally, QR codes are now being used in
          larger formats, such as on billboards or signs, which makes  They are ubiquitous. QR codes are already widely used in
          them easier to scan and more noticeable to users.   many countries around the world, and their adoption is only
                                                              expected to grow in the coming years.
          One of the industries that is currently embracing QR codes
          is healthcare. With  COVID-19 pandemic,  QR codes have  How are QR Codes being used today?
          become a crucial tool for tracking and tracing. QR codes are
                                                              QR codes are already being used in a wide variety of
          also being used in healthcare settings to track patient data
                                                              applications, from marketing and advertising to ticketing and
          and improve communication between healthcare providers.
                                                              payments. Here are a few examples of how QR codes are
                                                              being used today:
          Another industry that is benefiting from QR codes is finance.
                                                              Marketing and Advertising: QR codes are being used by
          QR codes are increasingly being used as a payment method
                                                              businesses to drive traffic to their websites, promote special
          in many countries, particularly in Asia. Users can simply scan
                                                              offers, and provide customers with more information about
          a QR code to make a payment, eliminating the need for
                                                              their products and services.
          physical cash or credit cards. This has the potential to make
          payments faster, more convenient, and more secure.  Ticketing: QR codes are being used by airlines, theatres, and
                                                              other businesses to streamline the ticketing process. Instead
          QR codes  are also being used in education to  improve  of printing physical tickets, customers can simply scan a QR
          communication between teachers  and students.  For  code on their mobile device to gain entry.
          example, teachers can display QR codes in the classroom
          that link to additional resources or assignments. Students  Payments: QR codes are being used in many countries as a
          can then scan the codes with their smartphones to access  way to facilitate mobile payments. Customers can simply
          the resources directly. This can be particularly helpful in  scan a QR code at the point of sale to make a payment.
          remote or hybrid learning environments, where students
          may not have access to physical resources or textbooks.  Information Sharing: QR codes are being used by museums,

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