Page 45 - Banking Finance May 2023
P. 45



          BONDS -

          ISSUANCE, TYPES,

          BENEFITS AND


                  atastrophic bonds, also known  as catastrophe  The use of catastrophic bonds has grown in popularity in
         C        bonds, are a form of risk management instrument.  recent years as insurers seek to manage their risk exposure
                  It is a high-yield debt instrument that is designed
                                                              to catastrophic events.In recent years, catastrophic events
                  to raise money for companies in the insurance
          industry in the event of a natural disaster. They have short  such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and  pandemics have
                                                              caused significant  losses  to  insurers  and  reinsurers.
          maturity dates of between three-to-five years. They are  Catastrophic bonds provide a mechanism for transferring the
          designed to transfer the financial risk of catastrophic events  financial risk of these events to the capital markets.
          from insurers or reinsurers to investors in the capital
          markets. Catastrophic events, such as natural disasters or  The use of catastrophic bonds has grown significantly in the
          pandemics, can result in significant losses for insurers, which  past decade. According to the Insurance-Linked Securities
          can impact their ability to pay claims. Catastrophic bonds  (ILS) market report by Willis Towers Watson, the global
          provide insurers with a mechanism to transfer some of this  market for ILS, which includes catastrophic bonds, grew to
          risk to the capital markets, thereby reducing their exposure  $93 billion in 2020, up from $91 billion in 2019. Catastrophic
          to losses.                                          bonds accounted for a significant portion of this growth.The
                                                              market in catastrophe bonds could grow to $50 billion by
                                                              the end of 2025.
                         About the author

           Piyush Kumar Jha                                   Process for  Issuance of Catastrophic
           Chief Manager (Faculty)
           ULA- Risk Excellence,
           Union Bank of India                                Catastrophic bonds are  typically issued as  part  of  a
           Mangaluru,                                         securitization transaction.

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