Page 48 - Banking Finance May 2023
P. 48


           Deposit insurance has been an integral part of banking industry in ensuring the stability of financial systems. The Federal
           Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States has been providing deposit insurance since 1933, whereas
           the Deposit Insurance  and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) in India was established in 1978. While both
           institutions serve similar functions, there are some notable differences in their policies and operations. This paper
           aims to explore the lessons DICGC can learn from FDIC and how it can be useful for the Indian banking industry and
           its customers. The study uses a qualitative research approach, utilizing secondary sources of data. The findings suggest
           that the DICGC can learn from the FDIC's best practices in terms of risk-based premiums, effective communication
           with stakeholders, and continuous review of policies. The study concludes that implementing these practices can
           enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of DICGC in ensuring the stability of the Indian banking system.

          Introduction:                                       depositors in case of bank failures. The FDIC in the United
                                                              States and the DICGC in India are two prominent deposit
          The financial stability of a  country's banking industry is
                                                              insurance corporations that protect the deposits of bank
          crucial for economic development. Deposit insurance plays
                                                              customers. While both institutions have similar objectives,
          a key role in maintaining financial stability by protecting
                                                              there  are  notable  differences  in  their  policies  and
                                                              operations. This paper aims to explore the lessons DICGC
                               About the author
                                                              can learn from FDIC and how it can be useful for the Indian
                                                              banking industry and its customers.
                        Vinoth Mani M
                        Senior Manager (Research Officer)
                        Union Learning Academy -              Literature Review:
                        People Excellence, Union Bank of India
                                                              The FDIC has been providing deposit insurance since 1933,

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