Page 52 - Banking Finance May 2023
P. 52


             Risk Management shouldn’t be limited to

                                    regulatory minimums

                    oot causes of financial crises have similarities.  holdings were not, even though their market value also
         R          Consider three of the past 15 years: the global  crashed. When SVB was forced to sell HTM bonds, huge
                    financial crisis (GFC), Indian corporate-loan crisis
                                                              losses were booked which had to be adjusted against equity.
                    and Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failure. Seeds for
                                                              between 2016 and  2019, a popular post-covid narrative
          these were sowed  by faulty assumptions, bolstered by  As the Fed had raised its rate by 2 percentage points
          narratives and selective data usage, that seemed reasonable  expected the rate to rise similarly at most. So this was the
          at one time. For the GFC, US house prices were assumed  worst-case scenario  for a stress test. On this,  SVB was
          never to fall. For the Indian banking crisis, it was assumed  compliant with regulatory asks and peer practices. A 4.5
          that Indian growth was decoupled from the world’s and 6-  percentage point rate spike over 14 months was not seen
          8% per year was up for grabs. For SVB,  it was that US  as plausible. But it happened.
          interest rates would remain low for long; so borrowing short-
                                                              In India, since July 2020, the 10-year G-Sec yield rose from
          term funds at ultra low rates and exposure to long-term
                                                              about 5.75% to 7.3%. It would have eroded bond prices by
          assets with higher yield looked reasonable.
                                                              12% to 14% over a 33-month period. In its published stress
          In response to the recent banking turmoil in the West, India’s  test, RBI uses stress scenarios that are 1.25-2.5 standard
          finance minister asked all public sector banks to  take a  deviations away from average values. If a bank does not
          health check. As reported, it includes a detailed scenario  model a scenario of, say, a 4%  interest rate spike in 12
          analysis of various risks and the ability of banks to handle  months, it would still be compliant. This assumes such a
          such contingencies. While this is prudent, major risk concerns  steep rise cannot happen in India. In addition, the stress-
          could still escape notice. There’s room for complacency.  testing capability of most Indian banks may not be robust
          Indian bank balance sheets are at their strongest since 2010,  enough for the rigour required. So, overall, banks are unlikely
          systemic non-performing asset (NPA) rates are reducing, and  to give the finance minister much to worry about.
          corporates borrowers are showing lower aggregate leverage
                                                              However, our banks still need to enhance their analytical
          and better cash-flows. But our risk radars need to turn in
                                                              capabilities to cover potential but unprecedented events
          another direction to spot future worries. Just focusing on
                                                              that could spring nasty surprises.
          past causes of blow-ups may offer false comfort.
                                                              One, retail lending: There is only a limited view available on
          Bankers are likely to focus on interest rate and liquidity risks
                                                              Indian household leverage. While credit disbursed has risen,
          over and above credit risk. Between 2010 and 2015, the US
                                                              a look at coincidental NPA rates on an expanded lending
          Fed’s interest rate was almost zero. However,  between
                                                              base will fail to send a warning signal.
          2016 and June 2019, its rate rose to 2.375%. This eroded
                                                              Two, climate risk: India will be significantly impacted. Most
          almost one-fifth the value of bonds purchased when the Fed
                                                              banks appear unaware of how heat waves might impact
          funds rate was near zero (0.125%), but as it rose over a
                                                              retail credit, not to mention a water crisis which may create
          period of 30 months, the shock was not severe. After covid,
                                                              stalled assets in long-term asset financing deals.
          the US Fed reduced that rate and then raised it sharply in
          response to inflation; it spiked from 0.125% in January 2022  Three, cyber risk: Instances of customer data breaches at
          to 4.8% in February 2023. Bond prices crashed by 30-35%  major banks are becoming worrisomely regular. Since banks
          in these 14 months. A portion of a bank’s securities portfolio  are  not  meaningfully  penalized  for  such  breaches,
          is marked-to-market (MTM); i.e., revalued daily by market  investment in cyber security is often not a top priority for
          prices. Another part is held-to-maturity (HTM),  with  its  them. Careless banks, though, may lose more than customer
          value logged at original purchase prices. While MTM bond  data  in  a potential  attack, which  could  impact  their
          prices  were adjusted down as the Fed’s rate rose, HTM  reputation and stock price. (Source: Mint)

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