Page 49 - Banking Finance May 2023
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          and its policies and operations have evolved over time to  Recovery of funds: After settling the claims, DICGC takes
          address changing economic and financial conditions. One of  necessary steps for recovering the amount paid  to the
          the key features of the FDIC's deposit insurance system is risk-  depositors from the assets of the failed bank. In the last 10
          based premiums. Banks that are deemed to have higher risks  years, DICGC has recovered Rs. 12,153 crore (about $1.6
          are required to pay higher premiums, which incentivizes them  billion) from the assets of failed banks.
          to adopt more conservative lending practices. The FDIC also
          engages in effective communication with stakeholders to  Compared to  FDIC  in  the  US,  DICGC  provides lower
          enhance transparency and accountability. It publishes regular  insurance coverage per depositor and has a smaller number
          reports on bank performance and provides updates on its  of insured banks. However, DICGC has a similar mandate as
          policies and operations.                            FDIC to protect depositors and ensure stability in the banking
                                                              system. DICGC has  been successful in settling claims  of
          The DICGC, on the other hand, was established in 1978 and  depositors in a timely manner and recovering funds from
          has a different set of policies and operations. The DICGC  failed banks. There have been no major bank failures in India
          provides insurance cover of up to Rs. 5 lakh per depositor  in recent years,  which can  be attributed in  part to the
          per bank. Unlike the FDIC, the DICGC does not have risk-  presence of deposit insurance provided by DICGC.
          based premiums, and all banks pay the same premium
          regardless of their risk profile. The DICGC also does not A comparative study:
          engage in effective communication with stakeholders, which  FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) and DICGC
          can lead to a lack of transparency and accountability.  (Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation) are
                                                              two organizations that provide deposit insurance to protect
          Role Played by DICGC:                               depositors in case of bank failure. Here is a comparison of
                                                              the two:
          DICGC provides insurance cover to deposits in all commercial
                                                              Coverage Limit: FDIC covers up to $250,000 per depositor,
          banks,  local  area  banks,  regional  rural  banks,  and
                                                              per bank, per ownership category, while DICGC covers up
          cooperative banks.
                                                              to Rs 5 lakh per depositor, per bank, per ownership category.
          Here  are  some  key  statistics  and  data  on     Coverage Types: FDIC covers  deposits in  banks, savings
                                                              associations, and other financial institutions insured by the
          DICGC's work:
                                                              FDIC, while DICGC covers deposits in banks and cooperative
          Deposit insurance cover: DICGC provides insurance cover
                                                              banks in India.
          to each depositor up to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakh (about
          $6,700) per bank, per depositor,  for both principal and
                                                              Type of Insurance: FDIC is a federal agency that provides
          interest amount held by the depositor in the same right and
                                                              deposit insurance to banks and savings institutions in the
          same capacity as on the date of liquidation/cancellation of
                                                              United States, while DICGC is a subsidiary of the Reserve
          bank's  licence  or the  date  on  which  the  scheme  of
                                                              Bank of India and provides deposit insurance to banks in
          amalgamation/merger/reconstruction comes into force.
          Number  of insured banks:  As of  March 2020, DICGC
                                                              Membership: FDIC requires all banks and savings institutions
          provided deposit insurance cover to a total of 2,098 banks
                                                              in the United States to be insured by the FDIC, while DICGC
          in India, including 157 commercial banks, 1,562 cooperative
                                                              provides voluntary insurance to banks in India.
          banks, 43 regional rural banks, and 336 local area banks.
                                                              Funding: FDIC is funded by insurance premiums paid by the
          Claims settlement: DICGC settles claims in the event of a  banks it insures, while DICGC is funded by the insurance
          bank failure within a period of two months from the date of  premiums paid by the banks it insures and by contributions
          receipt of claim list from the liquidator of the failed bank.
                                                              from the Reserve Bank of India.
          In the last 10 years, DICGC has settled claims worth Rs.
          6,390 crore (about $856 million) to  depositors of failed  Governing Body: FDIC is governed by a board of directors
          banks.                                              appointed by the President of the United States, while

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