Page 15 - Life Insurance Today December 2017
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Prudential witnessed downfall to more than half times  indicates that there is significant difference between LIC
         during the period under the study.                   of India and ICICI Prudential in terms of life micro
         The contribution of life micro insurance business to total
         business is low in LIC of India as on an average it is 7  Concluding Remarks
         percent approximately while it is about 27 percent in ICICI
                                                              It may be concluded from the above analyses that both life
         Prudential. 2011-12 and 2012-13 witnessed high       insurers have procured rural business by offering life micro
         contributions in life micro insurance new business by both  insurance, however, LIC of India has shown better results
         life insurers. Thus, it is evident that ICICI Prudential has
                                                              as compared to ICICI Prudential in terms of compound
         higher contributions in rural market as compared to LIC of  annual growth rate, mean and growth index. But, the
         India. So far as number of policies issued is concerned, LIC
                                                              contribution made by LIC of India to total business is lower
         sold 5 times more than ICICI Prudential.
                                                              as compared to ICICI Prudential. Further, it is also clear that
                                                              there is significant difference between LIC of India and
         Hypothesis Testing                                   ICICI Prudential Life Insurance in terms of life micro
         H : There is no significant difference between LIC of India  insurance under new business during the period under the
         and ICICI Prudential in terms of number of life micro  study.
         insurance policies issued under new business.
                                                              It is suggested to LIC of India to enhance the proportion
         H : There is significant difference between LIC of India and  of life micro insurance to total business as rural folk
         ICICI Prudential in terms of number of life micro insurance  constitutes a major portion of the population in India. LIC
         policies issued under new business.                  of India should target rural market more effectively. There
                                                              is a great challenge before ICICI Prudential to regain its
         Table 2 reveals about the independent sample t-test  growth rate as it is declining. At the end of ten years its'
         applied for the performance comparison of LIC of India and  life micro insurance business is standing at more than fifty
         ICICI Prudential. Levene's test for equality of variances  percent downfall. Therefore, ICICI Prudential needs to
         through F-test shows the significance value .001 < .05  focus on its' boosting the number of policies issued. ICICI
         which denotes that variances are not equal. Further, under  Prudential needs to widen its market network in rural India
         t-test null hypothesis is rejected and alternate hypothesis  and should adopt localised ways of promotion and
         is accepted as the significance value is .006<.05 which  distribution in the concerned market.

                                        Table 2: Independent Samples Test

                        Levene's Test
                        for Equality of                        t-test for Equality of Means
                        F      Sig.    t     df      Sig.      Mean        Std. Error  95% Confidence Interval of the
                                                   (2-tailed)  Difference  Difference         Difference
                                                                                        Lower        Upper
          variances   17.897   .001   3.141  18      .006   1484400.50000  472555.87949  491597.43754  2477203.56246
          variances                   3.141  9.329   .011   1484400.50000  472555.87949  421121.50802  2547679.49198
          not assumed
         Source: Computed from SPSS 17

                “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

         Life Insurance Today                        December 2017                                            15

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