Page 20 - Life Insurance Today December 2017
P. 20
What are your Benefits? In addition to this:
Maturity Benefit Higher of
On survival to the end of the policy term, you will receive 1. the Top-Up Sum Assured(s) or
the Total Fund Value which is sum of Regular Premium 2. 105 percent of the total Top-up premium paid.
fund Value and Top-Up Premium fund Value valued at
applicable NAV on the date of Maturity. is also payable provided the Policyholder has a Top-Up
Guaranteed Maturity Addition Premium Fund Value.
We will also provide Guaranteed Maturity Addition at the
rate of 5% of units in each of the funds under the regular The Maturity benefit, which is equal to the Total fund
premium account which will be credited (post deduction value at the time of Maturity, will also be payable to the
of applicable charges) to the respective funds at the end Nominee at the end of the policy term.
of the policy term.
During the period while the Regular Premiums are funded
Guaranteed Maturity Addition will be credited only if the under this Benefit;
policy is in force and the same is not payable on Top-up 1. All Policy Charges (except for Funding of Premium
Premium Account. charges and mortality charge) will be deducted as
Death Benefit due.
In case of death of the life insured during the policy term 2. Nominee will not have any right to exercise premium
and while the policy is in force, the Nominee/legal heir redirection, fund switching, choice of portfolio
will get, Higher of strategy, partial withdrawal, complete withdrawal, top
1. Basic Sum Assured up facility, change in mode in case of premium funding
2. 105 percent of the total Regular Premiums paid and settlement option under the policy. The nominee
In addition, Funding of Premium benefit will get activated is only entitled to receive the maturity proceeds at
i.e. 100% of future regular premiums - are payable under the date of maturity.
the policy by the Company, in to the Policyholders fund
as and when they are due. Note : 1. Only the child can be the nominee in this plan.
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“My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the
next moment.”
20 December 2017 Life Insurance Today
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