Page 25 - Life Insurance Today December 2017
P. 25

policyholder would get no benefits in
                  Reviving life                                                the case of death. For investment poli-
                                                                               cies, the surrender value (if the policy
                                                                               has acquired one) would be paid back.
                       insurance                                               In most cases, the insured must have
                                                                               paid the premium for a minimum 2-3
                                                                               years for the policy to acquire surren-
                           policies                                            der value.
                                                                               “It is better to pay the premium regu-
                                                                               larly to renew the policy than reviving
                                                                               it later on. At renewal stage, the cus-
         A       life insurance cover yields the  charges interest of 9.5 per cent per  mium and no further underwriting is
                                                                               tomer is required to pay the same pre-
                 intended benefits only when
                                            annum. The maximum time limit al-
                                                                               done. But at the time of revival, com-
                 the premium is paid regu-
                 larly. If the premium dues are  lowed for reviving a policy is two years  pany may levy an interest for the late
                                            (previously it varied between three
         left unpaid over a long period of time,  and five years) and it is common to all  payment. More importantly, once the
         the policy may lapse and lose all or  insurance companies.            customer fails to renew the policy on
         part of its benefits. Thus it helps to                                time and till the date he/she revives
         revive a policy even though you may  Risky process                    the policy, there is no insurance cover
         have forgotten to pay the premiums  Thus, if you want to revive your policy,  on the life of the customer,” says
         on or before the due date. Here’s  you have to pay all your dues within a  Subhrajit Mukhopadhyay, Chief and
         what you should know about revival.                                   appointed actuary, Edelweiss Tokio Life.
                                            period of two years. According to V
                                            Viswanand, Senior Director & COO at  Special assistance
         Grace period                       Max Life Insurance, “People who revive
         The premium for a life insurance   policy after six months and within the  Insurance companies will help you in
                                                                               reviving your policies. Usually, a pre-
         policy is to be paid on a monthly, quar-  period of two years might have to un-  mium reminder is sent through mail or
         terly, half-yearly or yearly basis regu-  dergo medical examination due to the  messages or both. You can also find
         larly each year. However, if an indi-  policyholder’s age or development of  out about your revival premium
         vidual defaults on premium payment,  any illness. Accordingly the premium  amount by sending a text message to
         a grace period is allowed without any  amount could change. However, the  the number provided by the insurance
         penalty or additional charges.     same policy benefits will continue.”
                                                                               company or call its customer care or
                                                                               mail them.
         The grace period would be 15 days if  It is hence at the discretion of the in-
         your premium payment schedule is on  surer to revive the policy or reject it  Sometimes, insurers also provide a
         a monthly basis and in other cases  (although the rejection is rare). Once  special window to policy holder for
         (quarterly, half-yearly and annual) the  the policy is revived, the benefits from  revival. For instance, LIC conducts re-
         grace period is 30 days. This is com-  the policies are also reinstated.  vival campaigns where the penalty for
         mon to all the insurance companies.                                   late premium payments will be dis-
                                            If the revival doesn’t happen within  counted.
         Beyond the grace period, if your pre-  two years, the policy either lapses or
         mium is unpaid, interest (penalty) is  benefits get reduced. It would con-  Similarly, Max Life conducts auto rein-
         chargeable as a late fee (from the due  tinue in this status until maturity or  statement for select policyholders
         date) along with the amount due. This  death of the policyholder.     based on their profile (creditworthi-
         interest usually varies with insurance                                ness, timely payment of premiums,
         players. For instance, Max Life charges  Santosh Agarwal, Head of Life Insur-  etc), provided the person is less than
         8 per cent per annum interest for 60-  ance, Policybazaar, notes that if it’s a  45 years of age, the policy is for a sum
         180 days of delay and 9.9 per cent per  term insurance policy, the contract is  less than Rs. 50 lakh and the revival is
         annum beyond six months. LIC       not valid beyond the grace period. A  within one year. (Source : Buisness Line)

         Life Insurance Today                        December 2017                                            25

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