Page 28 - Life Insurance Today December 2017
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Nav Prabhat Plan without Profit under Table & Term 137-  Salary Savings Scheme at different intervals during 1990 to
         15 bearing Policy No. 583445223 from Cuttack Dist. Branch  1993. He died on 26.8.94. His wife/ nominee Smt. Supari
         of LIC of India, Cuttack Division for a Sum Assured of Rs.  Devi lodged the claim with BO Nangal, which was not settled
         1,50,000/- with Qly. mode of payment nominating the  for many years on the plea that records had been misplaced.
         Complainant as beneficiary in the event of his death. As  She filed a complaint in this office on 15.7.04.
         ill luck would have it, he died on 12.1.2002. LIC of India
         repudiated the claim on the ground of suppression of  Findings : It was confirmed that all four policies were in
         material fact.                                       force on the date of death of policyholder. However, the
                                                              claimant failed to submit requisite documents despite
         Complained that LIC repudiated the claim on flimsy ground  repeated reminders. Last reminder was reportedly sent on
         i.e. availing of Sick leave before taking the Policy. Actually  8.2.96 to submit original death certificate and the policy
         the deceased was not suffering from any serious disease.  bonds within a period of 10 days. After receipt of a copy
         As he no other leave to his credit he availed Sick leave.  of complaint from this office on 20.7.04, the Divisional
                                                              Office sought policy dockets and detailed report from the
         Countered by LIC that the deceased Life Assured had not  branch office to proceed further in the matter. The branch
         only availed of medical leave before taking the policy but  office informed that the basic record could not be traced,
         also had  taken reimbursement of medical bills by    as it was destroyed in Sept 1990 during Mandal
         submitting prescriptions of the doctor & medical bills etc.  Commission agitation. However, original ledger sheets
                                                              were sent to the DO. Claim papers were also collected
         Observed that the Life Assured was working as PA (BCR),  from the claimant and the matter was under active
         Head Post Office, Rayagada. The Sr. Superintendent of Post  consideration for payment.
         Offices, Koraput Division in his letter No. E-15-13/00-01
         dtd. 27.10.04 has submitted Essential Certificates,  Decision : Held that the claimant cannot be held
         Prescription etc. produced by the deceased life assured for  responsible for misplacement or destruction of record. The
         availing of medical bills reimbursement, from which it  insurer was liable to settle the claims. Directed to do so
         appears that he was being treated by Dr. N. Dash, Medicine  within a period of three weeks.
         Specialist, D. H. H. Rayagada from 27.8.99 to 16.12.99 for
         hypertension & I. H. D. He mooted the proposal on         Chandigarh Ombudsman Centre
         18.3.2000 declaring that he had no pre-existing disease
                                                                Case No. LIC/410/Ludhiana/Ludhiana - I/24/05
         and was in good state of health though in fact he was
         suffering from heart disease and died of heart disease             Smt. Parveen Dawar
         about a year there after. Evidently he obtained policy by
         misrepresentation.                                                          Vs.
                                                                    Life Insurance Corporation of India
         Held that LIC was justified in repudiating the Claim. The
         complaint was dismissed without any relief.          Facts : Shri Subhash Rawat issued two cheques for Rs.
                                                              7875 and Rs.6000 as deposit for purchase of policies. The
              Chandigarh Ombudsman Centre                     amount was credited to LIC account on 03.06.02. However,
            Case No. LIC/138/Chandigarh/Nangal/24 - 05        policy bonds were not issued. He died on 13.07.02. Smt.
                                                              Praveen, his widow, filed an application for settlement of
                         Smt. Supari Devi
                                                              claim. She pleaded that the required proposal forms filled
                                 Vs.                          up by the agent  were also signed by her husband.
                Life Insurance Corporation of India           However, neither policies nor receipts were issued. Her
                                                              application was not entertained for want of contract due
         Facts : Shri Dharam Chand purchased four policies under  to non submission of proposal form.

                   “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

          28                                         December 2017                            Life Insurance Today

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