Page 31 - Life Insurance Today December 2017
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nominee named by the life assured in his Jeevan Rekha      Guwahati Ombudsman Centre
         Policy No. 182405098, all the death benefits due to her
         under the said policy.                                    Case No. L / LIC / 21 / 91 /03-04 / GHY
                                                                              Mrs. Rani Chutia
                  Delhi Ombudsman Centre
                      Case No. LI - DL - I / 120
                                                                    Life Insurance Corporation of India
                    Shri. Om Prakash Mahawar
                                                              Facts : One late Utpal Chutia was a policyholder of 2
                                                              policies of Rs. 1,60,000/- & Rs. 50,000. On his death his
                Life Insurance Corporation of India           wife perferred the death claim on 24.02.04 before the
                                                              insurer which was repudiated by the insurer/opposite on
         Facts of the case : The policy in this case was taken by the  14.012.03. The policyholder died on 01.02.2003 due to
         complainant's wife, Smt. Juli Mahawar. The policy    cardio vascular accident & the duration of the policies
         commenced on 15.05.1998. It lapsed on 15.05.2002 due  were 6 months & 3 days only. The cause of repudiation
         to non payment of premium. It was revived on 25.02.2003.  was suppression of illness of various diseases suffered by
         The policy was revived on the basis of a personal    the DLA next before the date of commencement.
         statement (declaration of good health) made by Smt. Juli  Findings : The claimant vide her letter dtd. 24.02.2004
         Mahawar. In the personal statement, she had suppressed  addressed to the Insurance Ombudsman, Guwahati would
         the fact that she had undergone six months' treatment for  submit that the concerned LIC agent "in-put all the
         tuberculosis. This was a material fact from the point of  questions regarding the medical ground & answered as
         view of LIC. Smt. Juli Mahawar ought to have disclsoed this  'NO' and 'NO'." It appears that Jorhat Divisional Office of
         fact to the LIC. She might have been cured of tuberculosis  the LICI in its 'claim inguiry report' stated that the claim is
         at that time but she ought to have disclosed the fact in  not bonafide & opined that there was suppression of
         any case. She failed to do so and thereby violated the duty  material facts. A statement of leave on medical ground was
         of disclosure and the principle of utmost good faith. It is  procured by opposite party. It will be seen from the leave
         true that before revival she was also medically examined.  statements that the policyholder was suffering from
         In the confidential report of the medical examiner, there  various illness prior to date of commencement of the
         is nothing adverse. But this report does not contain any  policy (Evidence discussed). Thus, it will be seen that
         question regarding tuberculosis. The report has, therefore,  before he got admitted into the hospital next before his
         to be read in conjunction with the personal statement  death the policyholder (DLA) was suffering from headache
         made by Smt. Juli Mahawar. A little more than two months  & giddiness & this symptom of disease / illness was
         after revival of the policy Smt. Juli Mahawar died. She died  available much before the date of commercement of the
         because of tuberculosis. Because of this, the fact of her  policy, i.e., w.e.f. 09.06.1998. The extract of nature of
         having undergone anti-tubercular treatment becomes all  illness would show that the policyholder had severe illness
         the more material in this case.                      of giddiness & mild hypertension, Urinary infection etc.

                                                              which are material in deciding the risk question & these
         Observations of Hon'ble Insurance Ombudsman          facts were suppressed while filling up the forms. It cannot
         In the Circumstances, Hon'ble Insurance Ombudsman sees  be argued that the agent filled up the form without
         no reason to interfere in the decision of LIC to repudiate  consulting the policyholder as contended by the claimant.
         the claim of the complainant.                        The complainant has failed to file any other document,
                                                              which would have been helping her in getting benefit in
         In the result, Hon'ble Insurance ombudsman dismisses the  this case.
                                                              Result Complaint dismissed. T

                                              “The best revenge is massive success.”

         Life Insurance Today                        December 2017                                            31

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