Page 49 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 49

values significantly, opening the door of Ombudsman for  Automobile Companies, Surveyors, Brokers and other
             cases of liability up to five crores may be reasonable.  stake-holders.
          15. To enlist the panel of Arbitrators, district wise, as a  19. Concept  of  Rural  Representative  of  Insurance
             ready reckoner, for the claimants by IRDAI  is the  companies be redefined and may be re-introduced with
             utmost need in line with the 'Protection of Policy-  vigor, in every Gram Panchayat / Ward level - which will
             holders' Interest Act' & 'IRDAI Regulation' in this regard.  deal for General and Life Sector both. Importantly the
             This list is also required to be published for the interest  services of rural educated youth must be availed as it
             of Policy holders in IRDAI Portal.                  will give a boost for the villagers, since they will find
                                                                 their own person  for these insurance initiatives &
          16. All the policy should be rationalized, simplified, reducing
             the grey area as much as possible for the sake of easy
                                                              21. For the poor, distressed, people living in un-affordable
             understanding. Policy, Claim Form, Proposal Form and
                                                                 communities and BPL persons, GOI should arrange
             insurance instruments should be printed in Regional
                                                                 distributing free Personal-line/Micro-insurance Policies
             Languages & Survey Report should also be preferably
                                                                 -even from their childhood days, like the free food grains
             prepared in Regional Languages.
                                                                 distribution of ration are made under National Food
          17. The role of NGOs should be increased. Cultural and
                                                                 Security Act, being absolutely free for our 81.3 crore
             other social organizations should be given responsibility
                                                                 countrymen year after year.
             for selling low-value-premium policies.
                                                              The vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Debasis Karmkar, co-
          18. There should be regular awareness programmes being
                                                              ordinator of the programme.
             organized by the Insurance Companies as well as

               Insurance space buzzing up as new players queue up for foray
           The insurance business is expected to be more competitive and crowded with many new players entering the industry
           soon. "There are 20 applications seeking approval for setting up new insurance companies both in life and non-life
           are currently under process with the IRDAI. The review of applications and the outcome is expected in about six
           months or a year from now,'' a senior official said.
           IRDAI has put in place a stringent review process for scrutiny of applications and the final acceptance will be accorded
           by its board, he added.
           The Head of Underwriting in a large private insurer stated that the primary drivers for insurance business growth
           are the large number of millennial population, an increase in awareness regarding the need for insurance in the
           post-Covid period, and a series of regulatory reforms introduced by the regulator in the recent past to promote ease
           of doing insurance.

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