Page 52 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 52

policyholders for the additional expenses separately, there  and long-term traditional endowment policies, despite the
          will not be a direct impact on the cost to policyholders.  fact that higher mortality charges associated with older age
          However, insurance companies may indirectly pass on the  groups can significantly reduce potential returns and
          cost of agent/broker commissions to policyholders through  ultimately impact the final pay-out. This highlights the need
          increased  premiums  in  the  future.  This  means  that  for effective regulation and oversight by the IRDAI to ensure
          customers may end up paying more for their insurance  that insurance agents act ethically and in the best interests
          policies due to higher expenses incurred by the insurance  of their customers.
                                                              Furthermore, the purpose of imposing limitations on
          The regulator and insurers believe that increasing the  commission and management expenses in the insurance
          commission paid to insurance agents and brokers can help  industry is to ensure that insurance companies prioritise
          in increasing insurance penetration in the country as the  their primary responsibility of managing policyholders' funds
          agents will be motivated to sell more policies in order to  effectively and efficiently without incurring high expenses.
          earn a higher commission.                           The IRDAI is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing
                                                              the insurance industry in India and ensuring that companies
          However, there is a potential downside to this approach. If  comply with these regulations.
          agents and brokers are too focused on earning a higher
          commission, they may resort to unethical practices such as  However, these new regulations suggest that the IRDAI is
          mis-selling policies to customers. Mis-selling can involve  playing a more developmental role rather than that of a
          persuading customers to purchase policies that are not  regulator by actively working on increasing insurance
          suitable for their needs or providing misleading information  penetration across the country. This could be a concern if
          about the terms and conditions of a policy. The life insurance  the regulator prioritises the interests of the insurance
          sector has a lengthy record of grievances relating to agents  industry over those of consumers or the general public,
          and bank relationship managers promoting unsuitable  which could lead to a situation where the insurance industry
          insurance products to individuals. For instance,  senior  is developing but without actually benefiting the people it
          citizens are often sold Unit Linked Insurance Policies (ULIPs)  is meant to serve. (Source: PersonalFN)

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