Page 54 - Insurance Times May 2023
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Event and Happenings at Birla Institute of Management
Technology (BIMTECH)
BIMTECH Organised Its 35th Annual offered this year to our students. BFSI and consulting sectors
emerged as the top hiring industries, with 36% and 24% of
offers coming from each, respectively.
BIMTECH recently conducted its 35th convocation ceremony
on April 17, 2023. The students from the 2021-2023 batch
Participation in Upcoming International
successfully graduated on the day. Shri. Tapan Singhel, MD
Business Conference
& CEO of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd, a
renowned figure in the insurance industry with a wealth of The faculty members of PGDM -Insurance Business
expertise spanning for more than 30 years, attended the Management (IBM) would be participating in a conference
historic occasion as the Chief Guest. on "Reimagining Paradigm Shift in Bangladesh Insurance
Industry: Bridging the Protection Gap "" to be held on May
The graduating students were thrilled to hear Singhel's 8, 2023 at Dhaka Bangladesh.
motivational convocation speech, in which he shared his
success stories and exhorted them to seize the opportunities Visit by team from Christ University,
that are coming their way, remain committed to their
objectives, and never give up in the face of adversities. In
A team from Christ University led by Dr Tomy K Kallarakal,
her welcome address, Jayashree Mohta, Chairperson, Board
Dean Commerce, School of Commerce, finance and
of Governors, BIMTECH, praised the accomplishments of the
Accountancy, Bengaluru Central Campus visited BIMTECH
institution over the last 35 years and discussed how the B-
to explore the possibilities of joint collaboration in areas of
school's founders came to the realization that aspirant
research and corporate social responsibility (CSR). They had
young Indians needed access to high-quality management
discussions with senior management team at BIMTECH and
faculty members from PGDM Insurance Business
Management (IBM) programme.
The Annual Progress Report, was presented by Dr. Harivansh
Chaturvedi, Director of BIMTECH, highlighted the institute's
Training Programme conducted at SBI
advancements over the years, including new academic
General Insurance
programmes, partnerships, and research activities. He
congratulated the students and gave them advice on how Prof. Pratik Priyadarshi visited the corporate headquarters
to use their degree for advancing society. of SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd. at Mumbai for a day long
training programme on "Insurance Needs of SME-Sector"
The graduating students had an excellent placement season on April 11th, 2023 The training programme saw
with the recruiters from leading corporates visiting our participation of around ninety managers from various
campus, there was notable 20% increase in average salary branches of SBI General Insurance.
48 May 2023 The Insurance Times