Page 21 - Life Insurance Today OCTOBER 2017
P. 21

Renew lapsed policy

             faster through self-


         A       lthough renewing a motor in-  ICICI Lombard General Insurance re-  "Once we get the information through

                 surance policy is easy and can
                                            cently launched a feature in its app
                                                                               the app the data is stored in a reposi-
                 be done online too, about
                                            case of a lapsed policy, a vehicle
                                                                               of claim before approving or rejecting
                 20% of car insurance policies  called 'Mobile Self Inspection'. In the  tory. We compare the data at the time
         and 40% of two-wheeler policies lapse  owner can use this app to shoot a  it,'' says Vijay Kumar, president motor,
         in India. Now, however, private gen-  video of the vehicle and submit it to  Bajaj Allianz General Insurance.
         eral insurers are offering the facility of  the company. The insurer can renew
         self-inspection that can speed up re-  your insurance within a couple of  Customers should ensure that their
         newal of lapsed policies.          hours of receiving the video.      motor policy gets renewed without a
                                                                               break to ensure the continuation of
         Renewing a lapsed motor insurance  A few conditions apply. The video  the No Claim Bonus (NCB), which is
         can take two-three days or more as  must be shot at one go. No editing is  the discount on the premium in case
         inspection of the vehicle is mandatory  allowed to prevent fraud. In case the  there are no claims. NCB can be trans-
         in such cases. "The insurer needs to  shooting gets disrupted, you have to  ferred if you sell your vehicle. If you
         know the state of the asset being re-  start all over again. The video should  renew your policy within 90 days you
         newed. So the customer has to wait  be shot in daylight and in a particular  can get the NCB, subject to inspection.
         for the surveyor's report before the  sequence, which should include the
         policy is renewed,'' says Sanjay Datta-  vehicle's engine and chassis number.  But if you renew it after 90 days, you
         head, health and motor, underwriting  This ensures that all parts of the ve-  lose this benefit. In case there is a gap
         and claims, ICICI Lombard General In-  hicle are covered and existing dam-  in renewing the policy and your ve-
         surance.                           ages too. The camera should have a  hicle meets with an accident, you will
                                            resolution of 3MP or more. If the  have to pay for its repair out of your
         The surveyor checks the vehicle for  video is blurred, you need to reshoot.  own pocket. The bigger risk arises if
         existing damages. Based on his find-  You will get a confirmation from the  you have to pay for third party dam-
         ings, the policy could be approved or  company if the video's quality is found  ages, which could amount to a
         rejected. "If you make a claim in the  acceptable. The video can be shot  humongous sum.
         future, the report will help the insurer  only through the app.
         differentiate between existing and                                    Both ICICI Lombard and Bajaj Allianz
         fresh damages, and pay only for the  Bajaj Allianz General Insurance too  offer self-inspection only for four
         latter," says Naval Goel, chief execu-  offers a similar facility wherein the  wheelers currently. Bajaj Allianz allows
         tive officer, The vehicle  customer or intermediary can upload  renewal of two-wheelers without in-
         is not inspected if you renew your  a video of the vehicle through the  spection, provided it is done online.
         policy before it lapses.           company's app for verification.    (Source : Business Standrad)

            "To save a family, abandon a man; to save the village, abandon a family; to save the country, abandon a village; to save the soul,
                                                     abandon the earth."

         Life Insurance Today                         October 2017                                            21

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