Page 22 - Life Insurance Today OCTOBER 2017
P. 22

Sahara Life is

                   dying what

              happens next?

         T         he policyholders of Sahara India Life Insurance  submit the valuation report, which will be reviewed by us
                   Co. Ltd (Sahara Life) may soon be dealing with
                                                              for approval,” said Sathe. According to Sandeep Batra,
                                                              executive director ICICI Pru Life, the insurer will make a final
                   a new insurer—ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
                   Co. Ltd (ICICI Pru Life), which has expressed
          interest to take over the life insurance business of Sahara  proposal to the regulator post the evaluation.
          Life. Around 3 weeks ago, the Insurance Regulatory and  Though Sahara Life will be no more, its 350,000
          Development Authority of India (Irdai), for the first time  policyholders need not worry. Why? We will explain in
          in its existence, took over the administration of a life  detail, but first a little background on Irdai’s decision to
          insurance company.                                  transfer Sahara Life’s insurance business to another insurer.

          Irdai believed that Sahara Life was acting against  Policyholders’ interest
          policyholders’ interests. Subsequently, it offered six
                                                              The regulator pointed to three major infractions in its order
          insurers—namely: Life Insurance Corporation of India, ICICI
                                                              dated 12 June. The first was about serious lapses in
          Pru Life, HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co. Ltd, Bajaj Allianz  governance, the second was with regard to its declining
          Life Insurance Co. Ltd, Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life
                                                              business and the third was the fact that Irdai had observed
          Insurance Co. Ltd and SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd—a chance
                                                              a significant increase in expenses.
          to take over Sahara Life’s insurance business and directed
          the company to not issue new policies.              For instance, its security and other deposits increased from
                                                              Rs10 lakh to Rs71.34 crore in FY15, which further increased
          In a letter dated 23 June, Irdai directed the insurer to close  to Rs78 crore in FY16. According to the insurer, this expense
          its business with immediate effect and inform its   was towards expansion and opening more branches, but
          intermediaries to not issue any fresh policies. The insurer,  the regulator said that it had not given any approval for the
          however, will continue to collect renewal premium and  same.
          service the existing policyholders. However, the circular
          effectively winds up Sahara Life and according to Nilesh  Further, as per the order, the insurer did not respond to
          Sathe, member, life, Irdai, the process of valuation by ICICI  Irdai’s concerns in a timely fashion. And when it did, the
          Pru Life has already commenced. “ICICI Pru Life has agreed  response was not satisfactory. Sahara Life admitted to Irdai
          to take over the policyholders’ liabilities of Sahara Life and  there was a lot of chaos for 2 years starting FY15. The
          has already commenced  valuing the liabilities of   insurer said that its key persons—like the chief financial
          policyholders and earmarking the matching assets of  officer, appointed actuary, company secretary and
          Sahara Life.                                        compliance officer—resigned in FY15, which resulted in key
                                                              persons being absent from management. Further the
          They will transfer on their books policyholders’ liabilities  chairman of its board, Subrata Roy, was in judicial custody
          and corresponding assets. We have given them 3 weeks to  and new people were not willing to join the company.

                              Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.

          22                                          October 2017                            Life Insurance Today

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