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systems and a procedure for receiving,      5.  Closure of complaint/grievance:
                  registering and disposing of grievances in each of  i.  A complaint shall be considered as disposed of
                  its offices. Every insurer shall publicize its      and closed when
                  grievance redressal procedure and ensure that it    a.    The insurer has acceded to the request of
                  is specifically made available on its website.            the complainant fully
              ii.  All insurers shall necessarily form part of the    (or)
                  Integrated Grievance Management System              b.    Where the complainant has indicated in
                  (IGMS) put in place by the Authority to facilitate        writing, acceptance of the response of the
                  the registering/ tracking of complaint on-line by         insurer.
                  the policyholders. The Insurer’s system, shall
                  involve, mirroring of the Grievance database, of    (or)
                  Insurers with IGMS and shall also facilitate        c.    Where the complainant has not responded
                  analysis of complaints, mitigation, improvement           to the insurer within 8 weeks of the
                  of processes and system, through constant                 insurer’s written response.
                  review.                                         ii.  Where the grievance is not resolved in favour of
              iii. Insurers shall also have in place system to receive  the policyholder or partially resolved in favour of
                  and deal with all kinds of calls including voice/e-  the policyholder, the insurer shall inform the
                  mail, relating to grievances, from prospects and    complainant of the option to take up the matter
                  policyholders. The system shall enable and          before insurance ombudsman giving details of
                  facilitate the required interfacing with the        the name and address of the Ombudsman of
                  Authority’s system of handling calls/e-mails        competent jurisdiction.
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          18                                          February 2018                          Life Insurance Today

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