Page 22 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
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minus 150 basis points. Where, 5 year G-Sec Rate    After the commencement of Installment
                 shall be as at 31st March preceding the date of     payments under Settlement Option against
                 exercise of deferment option. This rate shall be    Maturity Benefit:
                 fixed for the entire duration of deferment of that
                                                                     Y   If a Life Assured, who has exercised
                 Survival Benefit.
                                                                         Settlement Option against Maturity Benefit,
                 This option can be exercised for either or both of      desires to withdraw this option and commute
                 the Survival Benefits separately and is to be           the outstanding instalments the same shall be
                 intimated in writing to the servicing branch office     allowed on receipt of written request from
                 of the Corporation at least six months before the       the Life Assured. In such case, the lumpsum
                 due date of the Survival Benefit. Else the survival     amount, which is higher of the following shall
                 benefits would be paid on their due dates as per        be paid and the policy shall terminate.
                 the terms of the policy.                                -  discounted value of all the future
                                                                            installments due; or
              III. Settlement Option (for Maturity Benefit):
                 Settlement Option is an option to receive Maturity      -  (the original amount for which settlement
                 Benefit in installments over the chosen period of          option was exercised) less (sum of total
                 5 or 10 or 15 years instead of lump sum amount.            installments already paid);
                 This option can be opted for full or part of the
                                                                     Y   The interest rates applicable for discounting
                 maturity proceeds payable under the policy. The         the future installment payments shall be as
                 amount opted for this option by the Life Assured
                                                                         fixed by the Corporation from time to time.
                 can be either in absolute value or as a percentage
                                                                     Y   After the Date of Maturity, in case of death
                 of the total claim proceeds payable (including the
                                                                         of the Life Assured, who has exercised
                 payment of deferred Survival Benefit(s), if any).
                                                                         Settlement Option, the outstanding
                 The installments shall be paid in advance at yearly     installments will continue to be paid to the
                 or half-yearly or quarterly or monthly intervals, as    nominee as per the option exercised by the
                 opted for, subject to minimum installment amount        Life Assured and no alteration whatsoever
                 as under:
                                                                         shall be allowed to be made by the nominee.
                Mode of Installment   Minimum installment         IV. Option to take Death benefit in installments:
                payment               amount                         This is an option to receive Death Benefit in
                Monthly               Rs. 5000/-                     installments over the chosen period of 5 or 10 or
                Quarterly             Rs. 15000/-                    15 years instead of lump sum amount. This option
                                                                     can be opted for full or part of the Death proceeds
                Half-Yearly           Rs. 25000/-
                                                                     payable under the policy. The amount opted for
                Yearly                Rs. 50000/-
                                                                     this option by the Life Assured can be either in
                                                                     absolute value or as a percentage of the total
                 If the net claim amount is less than the required   claim proceeds payable (including the payment of
                 amount to provide the minimum installment           deferred Survival Benefit(s), if any).
                 amount as per the option exercised by the Life
                 Assured, the claim proceed shall be paid in lump    The installments shall be paid in advance at yearly
                 sum only.                                           or half-yearly or quarterly or monthly intervals, as
                                                                     opted for, subject to minimum installment amount
                 The interest rates applicable for arriving at the
                                                                     as under:
                 installment payments under Settlement Option
                 shall be as fixed by the Corporation from time to  Mode of Installment   Minimum installment
                 time.                                              payment               amount
                 For exercising the settlement option against       Monthly               Rs. 5000/-
                 Maturity Benefit, the Life Assured shall be        Quarterly             Rs. 15000/-
                 required to exercise option for payment of net     Half-Yearly           Rs. 25000/-
                 claim amount in installments at least 3 months
                                                                    Yearly                Rs. 50000/-
                 before the due date of maturity claim.

          22                                          February 2018                          Life Insurance Today

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