Page 24 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
P. 24

9.   Paid-up:                                            be payable for the completed policy years for which
              If less than one year’s premium has been paid and any  the policy was inforce, provided the premiums have
              subsequent premium be not duly paid, all the benefits  been paid for atleast 5 full years and after completion
              under the policy shall cease after the expiry of grace  of 5 policy years.
              period and nothing shall be payable.                Rider(s) shall not acquire any paid-up value and the

              However, after atleast one full year’s premium has  rider benefit(s) cease to apply, if policy is in lapsed
              been paid and on completion of one policy year and  condition.
              any subsequent premiums be not duly paid, the policy
              shall not be void but shall continue as a paid-up policy  10. Revival:
              till the end of policy term.                        If premiums are not paid by the end of the grace
              The Sum Assured on Death under a paid-up policy     period then the policy will lapse. A lapsed policy can
              shall be reduced to such a sum, called “Death Paid-  be revived within a period of 2 consecutive years from
                                                                  the date of first unpaid premium by paying all the
              up Sum Assured” and shall be equal to [Sum Assured
              on Death * (Number of premiums paid / Total         arrears of premium together with interest
              Number of premiums payable)]. In addition to the    (compounding half-yearly) at such rate as fixed by the
              Death Paid-up Sum Assured the Guaranteed Additions  Corporation at the time of the payment, subject to
              accrued upto the date of First Unpaid Premium along  submission of satisfactory evidence of continued
              with Loyalty Addition, if any, shall also be payable on  insurability.
              death.                                              The Corporation reserves the right to accept at
                                                                  original terms, accept at modified terms or decline
              The Sum Assured on Maturity under a paid-up policy
                                                                  the revival of a discontinued policy. The revival of
              shall be reduced to such a sum called “Maturity Paid-
                                                                  discontinued policy shall take effect only after the
              up Sum Assured” and shall be equal to [Sum Assured
                                                                  same is approved by the Corporation and is
              on Maturity * (Number of premiums paid / Total
              Number of premiums payable)]. In addition to the    specifically communicated in writing to the Life
              Maturity Paid-up Sum                                Assured.
              Assured, the Guaranteed Additions accrued upto the  If the revival period falls beyond the premium paying
                                                                  term and the policy is revived after the due date of
              date of First Unpaid Premium along with Loyalty
                                                                  survival benefit, then the difference between full
              Addition, if any, shall also be payable on maturity.
                                                                  Survival Benefit payable under inforce policy and
              The survival benefits payable under a paid-up policy
                                                                  Survival Benefit already paid considering paid-up
              shall be equal to [(survival benefit payable under  policy shall be paid.
              inforce policy) * (Number of premiums paid / Total
              Number of premiums payable)] and shall be payable   Revival of rider(s), if opted for, will be considered
              on Life Assured surviving to each of the specified  along with revival of the Base Policy, and not in
              duration during the policy term.                    isolation.

              However, if option to defer the Survival Benefit(s) has  11. Surrender Value:
              been exercised and payment of such Survival         The policy can be surrendered at any time provided
              Benefit(s) have not yet been made, these increased  one full year’s premium has been paid and after
              Survival Benefit(s) as specified in Para 4.II above shall
              be payable on termination of policy in the form of  completion of one policy year. On surrender of the
              death or maturity or surrender.                     policy, the Corporation shall pay the Surrender Value
                                                                  equal to higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value and
              The inbuilt Critical Illness Benefit under a paid-up  Special Surrender Value.
              policy, provided the same has not been admitted     The Special Surrender Value is reviewable and shall
              earlier, shall be equal to (10% of Basic Sum Assured)  be determined by the Corporation from time to time
              *(number of premiums paid / total number of         subject to prior approval of IRDAI.
              premiums payable) and shall be payable on first
              diagnosis of any of the specified critical illnesses.  The Guaranteed Surrender Value payable during the
                                                                  policy term shall be equal to the total premiums paid
              Under a Paid-up policy, Loyalty Addition , if any, shall
                                                                  multiplied by the Guaranteed Surrender Value factor
          24                                          February 2018                          Life Insurance Today

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