Page 28 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
P. 28

eIncome Shield

                                                                  from SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd

         Key Features:                                         Monthly Income Outstanding Policy Term; the Monthly

         o   Flexibility to choose monthly income              Payout Term     Income would be paid for a minimum
         o   Four Benefit Option# to choose from. Monthly Income               of four years irrespective of time of
             increases every year at simple interest rate based on
             the Benefit Option chosen                         Premiums and    Frequency Minimum    Maximum
         o   Immediate lump Sum payment of 12 times of the     Frequency
             then applicable Monthly Income applicable at the time             Yearly     Rs. 4,500  No limit
             of claim                                                          Monthly    Rs. 500   No limit
         o   Monthly Income for a minimum of four years (48    Premium Paying Same as Policy Term
             payouts) irrespective of the year of death        Term

         o   Lower premium for female lives and non smokers
         o   Tax benefits as per the prevailing norms under the  Benefits:
             Income Tax Act, 1961
                                                              Y   Death Benefit:
         #Benefit option chosen at inception cannot be changed
                                                              Y   Monthly Income Benefit:  The monthly income
         throughout the policy term
                                                                  payouts will commence on the death of the life
         Plan Snapshot                                            assured from the 1st day of the next policy month
                                                                  and will be payable for the outstanding period of the
          Age at Entry     Min : 18 years  Max : 50 years         policy term. For policies where the outstanding policy
          Age at Maturity Max : 60 years                          term is less than 48 months, series of monthly income
          Policy Term      Min: 10 years  Max: 35 years           payouts will continue to be paid even after the end
          Monthly Income Min: Rs          Max: No limit           of the policy, till the 48th installment.
                           25,000 p.m.                            This benefit is payable as a series of monthly payouts
                           (Subject to the Board approved         and the nominee/ beneficiary would not be allowed
                           Underwriting Policy) (in multiples     to take discounted value of the future payouts as a
                           of Rs. 1,000)                          lump sum.
          Benefit Option   Benefit Option  Simple Interest    Y   Lump Sum Benefit:  In addition to the monthly
                           Name           Percentage              payouts, Lump Sum benefit amount equal to 12 times
                                          applicable for          the then available monthly income will be payable
                                          annual increase in      immediately to the nominee/ beneficiary on death,
                                          Monthly Income          as per the benefit option chosen.
                                                              Y   Maturity Benefit: No maturity benefit is payable.
                           Benefit Option A No Increase
                           Benefit Option B 3%                Y   Tax Benefits: Eligible for Income Tax benefits/
                                                                  exemptions as per the applicable income tax laws
                           Benefit Option C 5%
                                                                  in India, which are subject to change from time to
                           Benefit Option D 10%
                                                                  time.  T
          28                                          February 2018                          Life Insurance Today

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