Page 29 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
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                                                              IRDAI Circular

          Clarification on MISP Guidelines                       the insurance broker nor the MISP can create such a
                                                                 panel of insurer for selling motor insurance policies.
          Ref. No:IRDA/INT/CIR/MISP/5/01/2018                    However, the insurance companies should enter into
                                             Date:11-01-2018     service level agreements with insurance brokers/
                                                                 MISPs based on transparent and objective criteria.
          I.  Creation of panel of insurers by insurance      II. Role and responsibilities of MISP vis-à-vis Original
             intermediary or MISP                                Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s)
          II. Role and responsibilities of MISP vis-à-vis Original  It is reported that the Original Equipment
             Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s)                     Manufacturers (OEM’s) are exercising undue influence
                                                                 both on the insurance intermediary and the
             It may be recalled that the Authority issued:-      automobiles dealer who have become MISP without
             a) Guidelines on Motor Insurance Service Provider   having corresponding accountability for their actions.
                 vide Circular No. IRDA/ INT/ GDL/ MISP/ 202/ 08/
                 2017 dt. 31st August 2017                       In order to ensure that MISP guidelines work in the
                                                                 interest of the customers, it is advised that no MISP or
             b) Circular on MISP – IRDA/INT/CIR/MISP/246/11/
                                                                 the insurance intermediary can enter into an
                 2017 dt.01st Nov 17
                                                                 agreement with the OEM which has an influence or
                                                                 bearing on the sale of motor insurance policies.
          I.  Creation of panel of insurers by MISP
             The Authority is in receipt of representations, from
             insurance companies that they are not included in the  Motor Third Party Insurance Coverage
             panel of Insurance brokers/ MISP’s as it is not  Ref. No:IRDA/NL/CIR/MOTP/001/01/2018
             compulsory for Insurance broker/ MISP to empanel all
             insurance companies for selling motor insurance                                     Date:01-01-2018
             policies through MISP even if they are willing to enter  Hon’ble Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety had
             into Service Level Agreements (SLA).
                                                              directed the States/Union Territories to periodically carry
             Hereto attention to guidelines 5 (f) of Guidelines on  out checks to see whether the vehicle owners have Third
             MISP issued on 31.08.17 and point no.4, of IRDA  Party insurance cover and in case they are not covered by
             circular dt.01.11.2017, stating that an insurance  Third Party insurance, detain the vehicle till such time the
             intermediary based on an objective and transparent  valid Third Party insurance certificate is produced by the
             criteria can enter into service level agreement with  vehicle owner. Several States have reported back that
             general insurers for selling motor insurance policies.  insurers have a cumbersome process that involves
             The Authority is of the view that with the commission  inspection of the vehicle concerned and that vehicle owners
             / remuneration levels for the insurance intermediaries  have complained that it is not an easy process to obtain
             and MISP being stipulated, the creation of a panel of  insurance.
             insurers is restrictive, which can lead to undesirable
             market practices. Therefore, to remove misgivings in  With an objective to ensure ease of obtaining Motor TP
             the minds of the stakeholders it is clarified that neither  liability only policy, insurers are advised to follow the

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