Page 20 - Life Insurance Today February 2018
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applicable from the date of diagnosis of        Y   On cancellation/termination of the policy for
                     Critical Illness listed above. If death occurs      any reason; or
                     within the survival period, no inbuilt critical  Y  On cancellation/termination of the policy by
                     illness benefit shall be payable.                   the   Corporation    on   grounds    of
              VI. Exclusions:                                            misrepresentation, fraud or non-disclosure
                 The Corporation shall not be liable to pay any of       established in terms of Section 45 of the
                 the benefits under Inbuilt Critical Illnesses Benefit   Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time
                 if the critical illness has occurred directly or        to time; or
                 indirectly as a result of any of the following:
                                                                     Y   On diagnosis of a Critical Illness within the
                 Y   Any of the listed critical illness conditions       waiting period
                     where death occurs within 30 days from the
                     date of diagnosis                               Any critical illness manifesting itself during the
                                                                     waiting period is not admissible. The first
                 Y   Any sickness condition related to the critical  admissible critical illness which is manifested,
                     illnesses listed above manifesting itself within  diagnosed and lodged after waiting period and
                     90 days of the commencement of risk or          during the currency of policy, once admitted for,
                     revival of risk cover, whichever is later.      shall preclude any further critical illness and

                 Y   Intentionally self-inflicted injury or attempted  therefore the benefit will terminate.
                     suicide, irrespective of mental condition.
                                                              2.  Guaranteed Additions:
                 Y   Alcohol or solvent abuse, or the taking of   Guaranteed Additions shall accrue at the end of each
                     drugs except under the direction of a        policy year during the Premium Paying Term (PPT),
                     registered medical practitioner.             provided all due premiums have been paid till date.
                 Y   War, invasion, hostilities (whether war is   The rate of Guaranteed Additions shall be as follows:
                     declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution  Y Rs. 50 per thousand Basic Sum Assured for first
                                                                     five years
                     or taking part in a riot or civil commotion.
                                                                  Y Rs. 55 per thousand Basic Sum Assured from 6th
                 Y   Taking part in any act of a criminal nature.
                                                                     policy year till end of PPT
                 Y   Any Pre-existing medical condition.
                                                                  In case of a paid-up policy or on surrender of a policy
                 Y   HIV or AIDS                                  the Guaranteed Addition for the policy year in which
                 Y   Failure to seek medical or follow medical    the last premium is received will be added on
                     advice (i.e. failure to undergo tests or     proportionate basis in proportion to the premium
                     treatments that a prudent person would       received for that year.
                     normally undergo as recommended by a     3.  Participation in profits:
                     Medical Practitioner.                        Provided the policy has completed five policy years

                 Y   Radioactive contamination due to nuclear     and atleast 5 full years¡¦ premium have been paid,
                     accident.                                    then depending upon the Corporation’s experience
                                                                  the policies under this plan shall be eligible for Loyalty
              VI. Termination of Inbuilt Critical Illness Benefit:  Addition at the time of exit in the form of Death
                 The Inbuilt Critical Illness Benefit will terminate on  during the policy term or Maturity, at such rate and
                 the earliest occurrence of any of the following  on such terms as may be declared by the Corporation.
                 events:                                          Under a paid-up policy, Loyalty Addition shall be
                 Y   The date on which the claim is paid in respect  payable for the completed policy years for which the
                     of this benefit; or
                                                                  policy was inforce.
                 Y   The date of expiry of policy term; or
                                                                  In addition, Loyalty Addition, if any, shall also be
                 Y   The date on which surrender benefit is settled  considered in Special Surrender Value calculation on
                     under the policy; or                         surrender of policy during the policy term, provided

                                 “When you can’t change the direction of the wind, just adjust your sails.”

          20                                          February 2018                          Life Insurance Today

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