Page 120 - IC46 addendum
P. 120

General Insurance Accounts (IC-46)

fair value, the insurance liabilities

assumed and insurance assets acquired

in a business combination:

a. AS 106       b. AS 105

c. AS 103       d. AS 104

30. An insurer may change its accounting

policies for insurance contracts if and

only if the changes makes the financial

statements more relevant to the

economic decision-making needs of the

users and no less reliable or more

reliable and no less relevant to those

needs. An insurer shall judge the

relevance and reliability by the criteria in

IND AS_______.

a. 4            b. 8

c. 6            d. 5

31. If a cedant's reinsurance assets is
     impaired, the cedant shall reduce its
     carrying amount accordingly and
     recognise that impairment loss in profit or
     loss. A reinsurance asset is impaired if

i) there is a objective evidence as a result
     of an event that occur after initial

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