Page 125 - IC46 addendum
P. 125
The Insurance Times
4. e. IRDAI (Investment) (Fifth Assets (Life Insurer)
Amendment) Regula-
tions 2013 (Qtrly)
5. g. All of the above 32. d. Statement of Investment
6. d. All of the above
7. e. All of the above Assets (General In-
8. e. All a, b & c
9. a. A A surer & Re- Insurer)
10. a. A+
11. b. Other Investments (Qtrly)
12. d. Only a & b
13. d. 75% 33. e. Exposure / Prudential
14. c. 65%
15. a. 5% and other Investment
16. c. 8%
17. d. All of the above norms - Compliance
18. d. Unit reserves portion of
Certificate (Qtly)
all categories of Unit
linked funds 34. a. Internal / Concurrent
19. d. All of the above
20. b. Investment Assets Auditor`s Certificate
21. c. Not less than 20%
22. e. Not less than 30% and Investment Risk
23. d. Not Exceeding 70%
24. b. Not Exceeding 25% Management Systems -
25. c. Regulation 7
26. e. Regulation 9 Implementation Status
27. e. None of the above
28. e. Regulation 9 (Qtly)
29. a. Statement of Investment
& Income on Investment 35. b. Statement of Investment
30. b. Statement of Down- subject to Exposure
graded investments, de-
tails of Rated invest- Norms - Investee Co,
ments (Qtrly)
31. c. Statement of Investment Group, Promoter Grp In-
dustry Sector (Qtly)
36. c. Statement of Investment
Reconciliation (Qtly)
37. d. Statement of Investment
in Mutual Funds (Qtly)
38. e. Certificate under Sec-
tions 28 (2A), 28(2B),
28(3) of Insurance Act
39. e. Statement of Non Per-
forming Assets (Qtly)
40. f. All of the above
41. f. All of the above
42. c ) Investment Policy
43. c ) SEBI
44. a) Prohibition of Insider
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