Page 123 - IC46 addendum
P. 123

The Insurance Times

40. b. Operating segments          61. e. Separate     financial
41. a. Financial instruments
42. d. Consolidated financial      statements

          statements               62. a. Investments in associ-
43. b. Joint agreements
44. c. Disclosure of interests     ates and joint ventures

          in other entities        63. d. Financial reporting in
45. a. Fair value measurement
46. b. Regulatory deferral ac-     hyper inflationary eco-

          counts                   nomics
47. c. Revenue from contracts
                                   64. e. Financial instruments -
          with customers
48. e. Presentation of financial   Presentation

          statement                65. e. Separate     financial
49. a. Inventories
50. d. Statement of cash           statements

          flows                    66. b. Interim financial report-
51. e. Accounting policies,
          change in accounting
          estimates and errors     67. a. Impairment of assets
52. c. Events after the report-
          ing period               68. b. Provisons, contingent li-
53. a. Income taxes
54. d. Property, plant and         abilities and contingent
55. b. Leases                      assets
56. a. Employee benefits
57. a. Accounting for govern-      69. d. Intangible assets
          ment grants and disclo-
          sure of government as-   70. e. Investment property
58. e. The effects of changes      71. a. Agriculture
          in foreign exchange
          rates                    72. e. A, B and C
59. b. Borrowing costs
60. c. Related party disclo-            Answers
                                        Unit 7

                                   1. a. A measure of the

                                   wearing out, consump-

                                   tion or other loss of

                                   value of depreciable

                                   asset arising from use,

                                   effluxion of time or ob-

                                   solescence          through

                                   technology and market


                                   2. c. A system of account-

                                   ing, which aims to dis-

                                   tribute the cost or other

                                   basic value of tangible Email: 122

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